Disastrous Explanations

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Yue wasn't really thinking when they had started arguing and things just ended up going the way they did. Her thoughts and feelings were all over the place as the alcohol had disappeared from her system and the bravery she once felt had vanished. So when Wang He Di showed her the stained bedsheets, it all sort of hit her at once and then it didn't help that Wu Xize and Li Jiaqi were getting back at that exact moment. She was now in the living room trying to give the illusion that everything was fine, when in reality she was a bundle of nerves. Li Jiaqi had asked her if she was ready to go and when she was about to answer her, all of a sudden Wang He Di rushed from the hallway towards her.

"She and I are not done straightening things out. Li Jiaqi, I'll take her home." He then turned to look at Shen Yue and grabbed her wrist "We still have a couple of things to straighten out." Yue's mouth hanged open and stared at He Di with wide eyes. She was about to complain that there was nothing more to discuss when she felt him tighten his grip on her wrist. It was a lost cause to try to run from him, so she weakly responded "Okay, just let me grab my things." Once she had grabbed her thing they said their goodbyes to their friends.

Both Wu Xize and Li Jiaqi looked at one another once their friends left and Li Jiaqi asked out loud "Is it just me or that was strange." "That was strange... but at least they're talking now." Li Jiaqi nodded in agreement "Well I guess I'll head home now, it's getting late and I have an early shoot tomorrow. Thanks for dinner." Wu Xize walked Li Jiaqi out and for some reason had a sneaking suspension that those two idiots would be requiring his and Li Jiaqi assistance again.

Wang He Di had hailed a cab for the both of them since they both had not driven to Wu Xize's and had been drinking. It had been deadly silent after Shen Yue notified the driver of her address and Wang He Di had not looked at her once but just stared out the window with his arms cross over his chest. Shen Yue didn't know what to do or say, all she could do was sigh and stare out of her window.

Shen Yue what the hell is wrong with you. Ughhh I swear I don't think sometimes, he must be really upset at me right now. I don't think he was expecting that I was still a ..... why is everything so complicated. I should have stopped things before they went that far but everything happened so fast and before I knew it... Actually why the hell didn't he try to stop it either, he has no right to be so mad at me for what happened. He also hasn't finished explaining to me his relationship with Jing Wen and why they haven't denied the dating rumors. As Yue sat in the silent cab she kept getting angrier by the second.

Wang He Di was lost in his own thoughts after what happened with Yue. What was I thinking... why the hell did I have to take things that far. She somehow always knows how to get under my skin. I also didn't hear her say stop... or at least I don't think she did. I feel like shit now and have to apologize but at the same time, she's been with other guys so what the hell is going on.

Before both brewing passengers could stew any further in their own thoughts the driver announced that they were at their destination. Yue walked out the cab in a hurried stride while Wang He Di was able to catch up to her easily after paying the driver. They both still would not say anything to one another and the tension was palpable as they rode up the elevator. Yue opened her door and walked ahead without looking back at Wang He Di to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

Wang He Di not aware of her change in attitude walked right up to her and said "Yue we need to talk". For some reason Yue was upset at the whole situation, the rational side of her was saying that he was right but for some reason she just kept getting madder the longer she looked at him and had hoped that the glass of water would cool her off but it hadn't helped at all. She was still mad and through gritted teeth answered him "And what exactly is it that you want to talk about Wang He Di." Wang He Di furrowed his brows together annoyed "Shen Yue don't play dumb now, you know full well what I'm talking about." The moment those words left his mouth Yue saw red and could not help the bile coming up her throat and to her mouth "Well Mr. Wang, I really don't need to clarify anything to you as I have a right to do with my body as it pleases me and I do not owe you any explanations. I do apologize if I was not up to par to your other conquests and do believe me that you will not be the last of mine".

Wang He Di stared at her in utter disbelieve and hurt but his anger over took him just like her anger had over took her and only wanted blood. He got down to stare at her right in the eye, invading her personal space and with as much venom in his mouth answered "Is that so Ms. Shen, well let me make something very clear to you then. You meant nothing and I was just being a gentlemen by coming here to make sure you were okay with what happened but do know that you were not the best I've ever had." Before Wang He Di could even blink Shen Yue had slapped him and shouted at him to get out.

Wang He Di walked out and slammed the door closed as he left. Yue automatically felt the tears sting her eyes and broke down. She was confused by her own feelings and actions but what hurt even more were his words. Every time they are in front of one another she can't seem to convey her feelings or they are at each others throats. Once she was done crying she dragged herself to bed hoping that with some rest it would clear her thoughts.

Wang He Di had left because he was not only angry at her but at himself for letting her get the better of him. He knows that she likes to deflect things when she doesn't want to talk about her feelings. He pushed her too far, too fast to talk about what had happened but he was frustrated by what had happened and knew they both needed to cool off before they tried talking again. He got home to take a hot shower to help him relax and when that didn't work he got a cigarette from his emergency stash. He didn't smoke ofter but when he did it was only when he was under immense stress and today it was a necessity. He tried to clear his thoughts and relax but no matter what he did it seemed like it was useless . He put out his cigarette, brushed his teeth and went to bed to try to get some shut eye, knowing it would probably be one of those sleepless nights. 

Wang He Di was not sure when he had fallen asleep but was annoyed that his phone kept going off trying to rob him of his sleep. He picked up his phone without opening his eyes and answered "Who is it?" "Wang He Di, what the hell man I thought you said you and Jing Wen weren't together. If I would have known that you two were an item I would have never agreed to get you and Yue together. She is furious." Wang He Di was so tired and confused he sat up "What are you talking about Wu Xize. I'm not with Jing Wen." "You better go on Weibo then because that is not what your management is saying." 

Wang He Di was confused by the whole situation and went on Weibo to see that the #1 trending topic on Weibo was for sure a confirmation from his management about his relationship with Jing Wen. He stared at his phone in disbelief and shouted at his phone "What the fuck is this?!" Wu Xize was still on the line and told him to get a hold of his management and clear things up, he wished He Di good luck and hung up. He Di quickly got up from bed already feeling anger over take him when he was about to call Hao Ge he noticed Yue had texted him 

Don't you ever try contacting me again Wang He Di. You lied straight to my face when I asked you about your girlfriend. I know that you do not care about me but you could have done me the courtesy to have been truthful. How could you Wang He Di, I thought you were a better man than that but I guess you proved me wrong.

Once he finished reading her text he tried texting her and calling her but his text would bounce back and his calls would go directly to voicemail. He was frustrated by everything that was going on and even more upset that Shen Yue thought of him as a liar especially after they'd been together. Out of frustration he yelled "Fuck!" and he threw his phone across the room and knew that he had to find Hao Ge first so that he could tell him what was going on before he tried to clear things up with Yue when in reality all he wanted to do was run to her place and have her listen to him and believe him.


Author's Note:

Hello! Apologize on the delay but the holidays aways give me anxiety and then with my internet not working for days it was a little too much for me but I haven't forgotten about this story! I wanted to put this chapter out before the new year!

Hope you all had a great holiday and cheers to a great new year for us all! :)

Enjoy! <3

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