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Wang He Di had never seen Yue so nervous, if he wasn't nervous himself he would tease her but at the current moment he couldn't even bring himself to laugh.

They were currently on their way to visit her parents and his nerves were getting the better of him. He really wanted to make a good impression but this was the first time in his life where he would meet his significant other's parents and he couldn't help feel his heart in his throat.

He remembered the day when Yue and him were caught together on a date by one of her mom's acquaintances. Yue had tried to make it seem that we were just friends but the lady had seen them already holding hands and Yue knew it wouldn't be long before her mom knew. They had only been officially dating for 2 months by then and knew that Yue really wanted to wait a bit longer before she introduced him to her family. 

After he had gone over to her place and they had both made up for lost time, she set some rules for them to follow. At the time he thought that she was not being serious but he found out soon enough that she was.

"What are you smiling about?"

Wang He Di hadn't realized he was smiling "I'm just remembering when you told me that I was not allowed to stay over anymore and that we wouldn't be intimate at least for 3-4 months."

Yue looked at him bewildered "You're thinking about that now? When we're on our way to see my parents?!"

He Di laughed "I'm just remembering how funny you were. You pushed me right out the door, like we hadn't had sex for the past 3 days."

Yue turned red and hit his arm. "Can you not be so crass. I know it was childish of me but..." she stopped talking and stared out the window.

He Di realized that he had embarrassed Yue and did want to hear what she was thinking, so he took one hand off the wheel, grabbed her hand and slid his fingers in-between hers.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. You know that I'm only teasing you and I respect you and the boundaries you set."

Yue sighed and caressed his hand with her other hand "You didn't make me uncomfortable and I know that you're only teasing me. Even though you're words sometimes can be inappropriate, your actions have always be respectable towards me."

He Di was glad to know that she understood him and his intentions but he knew she had more on her mind and that if he was going to get her to say what was really bothering her, he was going to have to pull over.

"I think we could use some fresh air and a walk, my leg is cramping from the long drive. There is a rest stop coming up, you think you can notify your parents that we might be an hour or two late."

Yue looked over at He Di with concern "Do you need me to drive? I know how exhausting it can be."

He Di smiled and kissed the back of Yue's hand that he was still holding "I'm okay babe but I think we could both use the walk."

Yue nodded in agreement "A walk would be lovely. It is such a lovely day out and we've been stuck in this car for hours. I'll text my mom let her know we're running a bit later than scheduled."

When they both got to the rest stop, they decided to freshen up and grab lunch before they went on a bit of a walk. He Di had noticed a walking path when they had pulled in and suggested it to Yue, which she happily agreed to. They both were having a lovely time but He Di really needed Yue to finally say what she's been holding back, especially since they were on their way to see her parents. If he could tell that something was bothering her, he was sure that they would be able to tell that something was off with her.

Somewhere InbetweenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora