Basking in the Sunshine

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Yue was able to get in contact with her assistant and notify her that she was doing well but that the doctor recommended she needed to rest. Her assistant told her to not worry and that she would speak to her management so that she could get a couple of days off.  Yue thanked her and was really glad to get some time off, it had been a long time since she had any days to herself. It also reminded her how He Di had reprimanded her for not taking care of her health.

After leaving the hospital she had to basically beg him to go home, so that he could at least take a shower and change since he was still in his tux from the previous night. But he was adamant that he would not leave her side until he made sure she was home and in bed resting. Yue could tell by the bags underneath his eyes that he needed to get some rest but the stubborn mule wouldn't go home, so she told him that she would exchange numbers with him so that he could call her to check-in on her and she would call him if anything went wrong and with that she was able to coax him to go home. They had agreed that once he was done he would come over to her place.

He had texted her the whole ride home making sure she was okay and once she was home she called him to let him know. He told her that as soon as he was home, he was going to take a quick shower, change and head over to her place.

It had been a two hours since they had hung up and as Yue looked at the clock on her wall, she knew that that hard headed of a man had most likely fallen asleep.

As she sat on her couch, she turned to look out her window and thought it had been a while since she has been able to stare out into the world and let the sunshine wash over her with all its warmth.

The warmer she felt the more she smiled.

She couldn't explain it but that feeling made her think of the man she was currently waiting for. She had missed the way he would run his fingers through his hair when he was upset or the way he would smirk when he knew he was right or the way his demeanor changed when he was worried.

Most of all she had missed his eyes and how they would give away his every thought and she wondered if it was the same for him with her. She hadn't realized it before because she so preoccupied trying to avoid him and her feelings for him that she never noticed how his eyes spoke to her. Maybe she did notice but she didn't want to believe that he could ever look at her, the way she looked at him.

At that moment with the feeling of the sun on her skin and in the stillness of her apartment she felt her heart fill with hope, that maybe this time around they could get it right.

She was startled out of her thoughts when she heard her doorbell ring and went to look at her intercom and saw that it was a very out of breath Wang He Di. She laughed as she ringed him in.

As soon as she opened the door, he immediately started apologizing that he had meant to take a quick ten minute nap before heading over but that he had overslept.

As she looked at him trying to apologize, she couldn't help the overwhelming feeling that overtook her.


He was standing in front of her and she missed him so much that she couldn't bare to have him so far.

She grabbed him by the neck and pulled him down so that their lips could meet again, so that the ache that his absence had crated in her would leave.

She could feel his hesitation and she knew she was being impulsive but at that very moment she needed to feel him close. She wrapped both her arms behind his neck and kissed him harder.

She could tell he made up his mind when she felt him kiss her back and his hands drift from the back of her head to her waist. He brought her closer to him and as soon as their bodies were touching, she felt the ache be replaced with relief.

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