Wandering Issues (Dylan)

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Wang He Di had gone back to his busy schedule with hosting 'The Irresistible' and working on his upcoming new album. All his time and energy had been consumed with his schedule and album that he hadn't really thought back to the reunion. He also had been seeing a model that one of his coworkers had introduced him to and had been caught by paparazzi on one of their dates. His management were keeping him on a leash after the recent fiasco and understood why they were keeping him busy but he wondered when they would lighten up a bit so he could get some free time again and just sleep the whole day.

He was currently on the makeup chair trying his hardest not to nod off so he wouldn't ruin the makeup artist work, when her heard Hao Ge's voice "Didi, they switched up your schedule again and we are going to have to jet from filming if were going to make your flight... they want you to appear on 'Happy Camp' to promote your upcoming album". Wang He Di groaned and asked the makeup artist for a minute while he talked to his assistant "Why are they doing this... I get it... I messed up and should have been more cautious but it's not like I'm 20 anymore." Patting Wang He Di's shoulder Hao Ge replied "I know it has been hard on you but I can't believe you pulled such a rookie mistake Didi. Why didn't you at least warn me that you were going out that night?". "It was last minute and late, I didn't really think it would be such a big deal and it wasn't like I was looking to get caught" Wang He Di closed his eyes and tilted his back "Ge do you really think I did anything wrong? I'm almost 30 and it feels like my management is still treating me as a newbie". Hao Ge had been with Wang He Di for years and knew that he always struggled with all the rules and regulations that his management imposed on him. Sympathetically he replied "Look He Di, I've known you for years and I could say we're friends and as a friend I understand your frustration but as your assistant... that really wasn't a smart move on your part. What's gotten into you? You never really had a problem with keeping your personal affairs private...you've been acting up ever since after the Meteor Garden reunion. Did something happen?". The tips of Wang He Di's ears turned red and before he could reply to Hao Ge he heard his name be called for filming. He got up from his chair swiftly and reply over his shoulder "I've gotta go... pick me up later." Hao Ge put his hands on his hips, looked down and began to shake his head in disappointment Oh Wang He Di, when the hell are you going to wake up. Like I don't already know that seeing her again has gotten to you... just accept it already.

The moment Wang He Di finished filming for 'The Irresistible', Hao Ge and him rushed to the airport and nearly lost their flight. He Di was exhausted and all he wanted was to get some sleep but Hao Ge had started to snore. He grabbed his back pack that he had stowed away under the seat in front of him and grabbed his headphones and muttered to himself "Thank you to who ever invented noise canceling headphones". He put his headphones on and decided to play the songs that his  friends had recommended. As he let the rap fill his ears talking about ill fated love, he's brought back to Hao Ge's earlier words "... What's gotten into you? You never really had a problem with keeping your personal affairs private...you've been acting up ever since after the Meteor Garden reunion. Did something happen?"

Have I really been acting up after the reunion? Wang He Di kept playing the events of the night and the comments from his friends. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, he felt so confused about it all and growing tired about it. Why does everyone think they know exactly how I feel... I don't even know if I really like her or it's just because she was my first onscreen partner that I have some affection towards her. He was annoyed with his own thoughts and tried to listen to the new song that was already playing half way but his mind just didn't want to concentrate on the songs and instead started to reflect on his past actions these past couple of months and his interactions with Shen Yue. The more he thought about it the more he got confused. When his coworker had set him up, he took him up on his offer right away that even his coworker was surprised. Wang He Di really didn't like to even discuss his dating life with his coworkers but for some reason he just felt like he had to take him up on his offer. When he thought of Yue and mulled over his friendship with her, they had always been buddies and had a great time when they hung out together. Then there were moments when lines were blurred and seconds where he could sense and almost taste the attraction between them but just as soon as it had come, it had vanished and they were back to teasing or ignoring  each other. He never really liked to fantasize about the what ifs but Li Xi Zi's words kept ringing in his ear from last week when they last had spoken.

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