The Meteor's Return

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Shen Yue nervously readjusted her dress and swept her hair to the side as she stood in the elevator. She felt her ears pop and wished she had remembered to bring gum. DING, Shen Yue shook her head at the sound of the elevator announcing her arrival to the top of the building to one of the most exclusive restaurants in Shanghai.

As she walked up to the hostess she could feel her heartbeat accelerate and her hands start to get clammy. She really didn't know why she was so nervous, she was excited to see everyone but at the same time she just wanted to turn right around and go home. Shen Yue had been distracted once again with her own thoughts that she had not heard when the hostess had addressed her. "Hello, miss?" Shen Yue shook her head to clear her mind "Sorry, yes I am here for the Hunan TV party, I should be on the list as Shen Yue." The hostess looked down at the list of names in front of her and once she found Yue's name, crossed it off. The hostess looked up from the list and smiled warmly back at her "Ms. Shen you can walk right in, please enjoy your time here" Shen Yue smiled back and replied "Thank you so much, I know I will".

As she walked in she noticed a table with champagne glasses and took one hoping that a bit of alcohol in her system would calm her nerves. She took a sip, took a deep breath and walked in further. As she walked closer she noted the music was loud enough that she could feel the base through the glass of her champagne, making the bubbles dance. Everyone that was already inside was talking and laughing animatedly to one another in the dimly lit restaurant that they had cleared out to make space for the party.

It had been years since she had seen some of these people and she was excited to catch up with a couple of her former colleagues and see her friends. The alcohol finally kicked in and she started to feel calmer and more excited about the party. She laughed at herself I'm being so silly, there's nothing to be nervous about.

"Shen Yue!" she turned around towards the sound of her name and was greeted by Wang Runze walking up to her. "Hello, Wang Runze! How have you been?" He smiled at her and said "I've been doing really well, keeping myself busy but not as busy as you have been". She Yue laughed and took a sip of her champagne, "You're too modest, I saw on Weibo that you won best actor at the The Network Film And TV Festival for your latest drama, which by the way I loved". Wang Runze blushed and laughed "Thank you so much for the support. Hey why don't we head towards the back, the rest of the gang is back there and I know they would all love to see you". Shen Yue laughed because she knew she had made him shy with her compliment and didn't feel like teasing him any further. Smiling at him she gestured ahead "Please lead the way" as they walked deeper into the party she passed a couple of people that had recognized her and waived hello as she returned their hellos she had gotten distracted at the direction Wang Runze had walked off to.

She tried to look around for him but could not find him, it was too dark to see ahead and too loud to call out towards him. Annoyed with herself she put her hand over her face "Ugh you idiot, why do I always do this to myself". She then suddenly heard a man ask her "Are you okay miss?" embarrassed Shen Yue laughed and was about to make a joke about herself when she looked up and her words evaporated when her eyes laid on the person speaking to her. She breathed out "Wang He Di?" he smiled brightly at her "Shen Yue, It's been awhile. I barely recognized you, your hair long". Yue stared up at him and started to panic as her words still hadn't come back to her, she took a sip of her champagne praying that she could respond to him. She shakily replied "Yeah" He furrowed his brows together and asked "Whats it been like 8 years since we've last seen each other?" Yue laughed nervously "Yeah... crazy how time flies." Wang He Di smirked "Can you believe that its been 10 years since Meteor Garden premiered" Yue shook her head to clear her mind and answer his question "No, it's a little surreal". He kept staring at her expectantly and she started to feel uneasy when it finally dawned on her that she was being rude and had not asked how he had been all these years. Yue, get it together she mentally berated herself.

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