Clearing the Fog

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As Yue walked inside she tried to make sense of what just happened. She was exhausted and really didn't want or know how to deal with Wang He Di and his girlfriend.

"Hey Yue, are you okay?"

Yue was startled by Xiong Ziqi voice and noticed he was still holding onto her, she quickly pulled her arm away and laughed "Yeah it just been a long day and I can't wait to meet my bed."

Xiong Ziqi laughed and nodded in agreement "I know what you mean, if this wasn't for a good cause I would have gone right home after filming."

Yue nodded in agreement and sipped on her champagne glass.

"Don't drink too many of those, you're already tired and mixing tiredness with alcohol is never a good ending."

Yue laughed "Okay dad."

"We gotta hurry up or else our assistants will think we ran away from our responsibilities."

They walked off to find them so they could finish with their responsibilities and try to enjoy the rest of the night.


"Oh, I get it now. You're in love with Shen Yue."

Wang He Di was wound up tight and really did not want to discuss his feelings with his now "ex". He turned to Jing Wen and tightly answered "We have to go, they've been looking for you and now most certainly they're looking for me too."

Jing Wen started at Wang He Di for a second rolled her eyes at him "You know Wang He Di, you are not as good of an actor as you think you are. You're making it way to obvious that you like her and as a friend I just thought I could help." She walked past him and over her shoulder said "I know that it is none of my business but if your honest with yourself and put your pride aside, you'd have a chance with her." Jing Wen turned and headed inside, leaving him to know that she was right and he needed to just get a chance to talk to her before the night ended.


Jing Wen was surprised when she was Wang He Di get so angry when he stared at Shen Yue interact with Xiong Ziqi. It suddenly dawned on her why he had been so upset about their "relationship" going public and why he was so adamant about announcing their breakup so soon.

On one hand she was really appreciative that he did wait a bit to announce their break and help her out with her image and then on the other hand she had wished he would have come to her to explain things. She would have most definitely understood and even would have tried to help him out.

"I swear men are the most stupidest mammal on this planet."

"I'm a bit offended by that statement you know."

Jing Wen was so lost in thought that she hadn't realized she had spoken out loud. She looked up to a smiling Xiong Ziqi.

"Sorry, I really didn't mean it."

"Does this have something to do with your break up with Wang He Di? Sorry I couldn't help overhear it, everyone here is talking about it and how well the two of you are handling it."

Jing Wen looked at Xiong Ziqi, arched her brow at him and then smiled broadly before asking "Xiong Ziqi, I know were not friendly and excuse my intrusion on your personal life but are you and Yue really only friends?"

Xiong Ziqi surprised by her bluntness cleared his throat and replied "I don't really like answering questions about my personal life but I'll make an exception. Yue and I really don't have any sort of romantic relationship at all, she is a great person whom I have had the great pleasure to work with over the years. I care for her more like a sister than anything else."

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