The Job (part 9)

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It has been 2 weeks since Piper and Alex were kidnapped. They were both still sore from it but they were just about okay. The worst thing about it was the trauma of it all. They both only had about a night worth of sleep in 2 weeks and haven't made love at all.

Suddenly the phone rang. "Piper it's the boss". "Well answer it then!" Alex cleared her throat and answered the phone nervously. Alex wasn't the type of girl who would be intimidated but she was scared shitless of this man. I think it was the thought of the unknown that scared her the most. "Hello" Said Alex. "There is a car in your garage with a bag of the you know what in it. Deliver it to the adress i sent you and come back withing 18 hours. If you fail this task then you will have some serious consequencies." Then the phone hung up.

Alex was just finishing Pipers wig. "Alex i don't think we should do this" "Look we have no choice babe" Replied Alex. "I know, its just last time we did this we got caught". "Look piper we wont get caught, it's one job. And anyway you diddn't get caught, i did for one of my jobs and then ratted you out. Do you trust me?" Piper stood up and walked to alex holding her waste. "Ofcourse i do" whispered Alex. "Okay then lets go". Piper and Alex got in the car and drove to the airport.

The bag which they had contained various items such as clothes and toiletries so the bag diddn't look suspicious when it went through the scanner. Theese items blocked the patch of drugs which were inside the material, so basically the bag was the drug. The bag went through the scanner and nothing was suspected but then out of no where a dog came charging and started snuffing piper who had hold of the bag. "Alex what do i do?" Said piper nearly screaming. "I don't know just do something!" Alex shouted. The dog started barking and its policeman started walking over. Piper farted in scaredness and couldn't think what to say. "What is happe- oh my god what is that smell". Said the policeman in disgust. Then a lightbulb would of appeared if this was a cartoon because Piper came up with a good idea. "Look i don't want to say this but... i just shit myself". Said piper. Alex turned away trying not to laugh. "Oh my god thats the worst smell i have ever known, go clean up before you get on the flight please, no wonder why cheezers was barking at you, you disgust me!" Shouted the police officer and walked away. "Oh my god you are a genius piper chapman! How did you force yourself to fart like that!" Said alex with a grin on her face. "Forced? Oh... yeah... yeah i just pushed it out as fast as i could, anyway we should get going" said piper as she grabbed Alex's hand and got on the plane.

They were both on the plane for 4 hours until they arrived in London. They were both not satisfied with London. It was quite boring and diddn't seem that intresting, but they wern't there on vacation, they had a job to do and it was crucial that they succeded or anything could happen to them, could even be worse than death.

As they went down a man who obviously diddn't own a cab was holding our fake name which was called vauseman. As he leaded us to the car he drove us to the house where we had to give the cocain. Piper and Alex knocked on the door. A man with red bloodshot eyes and tatoos on his face opened the door. "You got the stuff?" He said while scratching his arms. "Depends if you have our money"? Said Alex with one eyebrow raised. The man showed the bag of money and we showed him the drugs. The mans eyes opened so much and snatched the bag while Alex snatched the money and slammed the door. "Well that was, easier than expected" said Piper with relief. "Yeah but lets just go back to America and find out whats in store for us".

Theu both made a safe journey back, worried for what the boss was going to do. They both went back to the house and found the boss inside with 2 of his right hand men. "Well you did the job, i am impressed". "What you really underestimated vauseman"? Said Alex as a joke. "Don't play smart with me" the boss said not amused. "Are you, urm, going to leave us alone?" Asked Piper worried for the answer. "i am a man for my word, we won't see each other again but i swear anyone finds out about what we did and you will find out what the word torture really means, i would lick you dry, you hear?" Piper and Alex nodded and the boss left hopefully never to be seen again. "Oh my god he let us live!!!" Shouted Piper from the top of her voice in relief. "Piper" Said alex softly as she slid her hand gently down Pipers belly which made piper shiver a bit as she felt Alex's hand grapple her. It was the best feeling ever. Then alex leaned over and snogged Piper, her lips were so soft and wet it was almost orgasmic. They had the best sex ever that night, they called it near death sex. They were finally safe.

Piper Chapman And Alex Vause Life After Prisonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें