Out with the old in with the new (part 2)

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The next morning piper woke up with the best feeling ever. She felt so fresh after a nice night in a normal bed instead if the beds back in the prison. The room smelt like Alex, it was so nice and refreshing. Piper could almost taste her. As Pipet went to reach for Alex Piper realised she wasn't here. Then She heard some shouting in the other room. "I want some of that fucking stuff Alex or im gunna fucking tear ur cheap lipstick off!!" Said this woman in the most vulgar way. Piper quickly ran into the room. "what is going on in here!?" She said. "Nothing, this maniac was just leaving!" Alex said while giving the woman a glare. "I'll be back and it won't go down too well for u!" The woman said as she stormed off. "Who the fuck was she!" Piper said shocked. "I dunno some druggy who dosen't know where she is". Alex said. "Well we have to tell the police because she's going to come back!" "oh yeah because they are gunna come help some ex convicts track down a druggy i don't think so" said Alex giggling. "Anyway... we won't be here when she gets back hehe". "What do u mean?" Said piper curiously. Alex then pulled out 2 plane tickets from her handbag. "Miami!!!" shouted Piper! "Yes, we are going to miami where all their is, is sun, sex and the sea!" Said Alex. "And our plane is in 3 hours so get packing!". "All these years i've known u and ur still full of surprises" said Piper with a kind voice. "i love u" alex said slowly walking upto Piper and putting her hands round her waste. "I love u too" Piper said with a tear in her eye. Then they kissed and just stared at each other in love for a few seconds. "Well c'mon! Better get packing!" Alex shouted. As piper ran into the bedroom with excitement.

When they finished packing Piper realised that she was leaving everyone behind. She had to see Larry for the last time. So Alex drived her down to his house And Piper took a moment before heading on in. "Are u sure u don't want me to come with u?" Said Alex with such affection which gave butterfly's in her gut. "No i'll be okay, i have to do this... alone." Alex gave her a kiss on the forehead and said "Goodluck" as Piper got out of the car and knocked on the door. Larry answered the door and startled a bit when he saw Piper. "Piper! haha... er... we wern't expecting visitors today." Said Larry nervously. "I know but i really need to talk to you Larry." Said Piper as she let herself inside. Larry saw Alex and looked at her for a second as Alex raised her eye brows and stuck her middle finger at him. Larry then shut the door.

Piper walked in the room and took a big gulp as she saw Polly playing with a baby. She gave birth a year ago but this baby was too young to be the same baby. Then Piper realised that it was Larry's and Polly's. Then piper remembered before she went to prison and Larry diddn't want a baby then. "Hi Polly" said Piper with the fake smile she always had in prison. "omg Piper its been so long! Please sit down make yourself at home"! Polly said with such enthusiasm. "No it's okay, i'm not staying. I came here because i needed to speak to u both". Said Piper. What is it u need to tell us?" Larry said with a curious look. "i'm leaving this country... for good... i'm going to live in Miami with Alex." Said Piper. "Alex! haha" Said Larry with a nastly little chuckle. "whats so funny Larry" Piper said firmly. "Well cmon it's not going to end well with u two is it". "Yes it will, u don't know me Larry u fucking bastard. I came here to make peace and wish u both good luck but fuck u both! U Larry, we were suppose to have a life together but u just couldn't keep your fucking paws off this little whore!" Shouted Piper. "Look pipes i think u should leave". Said polly. "Don't worry i'm going but i just hope that u both realise what horrible fucks u both really are! And just for the record!" Piper grabbed Larry's cock and twisted it causing him to whimper a little bit. "I faked it every night u small dick bastard". Then Piper let go and kicked the door open. Alex saw and made her a little tingly down below. "Piper wai-" "Fuck u Larry! Said Piper as she walked away holding both her middle fingers in the air. Alex then got out of the car as Piper grabbed Alex and got off with her while glaring at Larry and Polly. Then got in the car and headed for Miami!

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