'Are we going to die?' (part 7)

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"Shit" Shouted Alex to herself. "Alex how did they find us!?" "I don't know piper". They both were just walking around the room murmuring to themselves wondering what to do. "Look if they already know out home number then they definately know where we live! We have to get out of here!" Said Piper while moving her hands around. "Look baby it's going to be okay. Just go pack your things because we may not have much time left, they were be on their way now so hurry" said Alex as she pushed piper up the stairs.

They were both basically destroying the place, trying to get there most loved possessions and quickly get out while they still could, but they were too late.

Alex looked out of the window and a car parked outside the house and 4 men got out of it with guns. "Oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD!!" screamed Piper in destress. "Hey look at me!" Said Alex as she grabbed her face. "We are not going to die okay." Alex grabbed pipers hand and they both went into the wardrobe in the bedroom. Piper was heavily breathing when she heard a massive bang from downstairs and wood flying around. "Are we going to die?" Piper whispered. "Shhh" Alex whispered back. They both heard foot steps walking upstairs and items being flung about around the house. Piper and Alex were both shivering, scared for there lives. They could hear footsteps in the room now, they were getting closer... and closer... and closer... but then they finally stopped and piper felt a sign of relief... until the wardrobe door flung open and the man grabbed them both and threw then to the ground. "There are over here, said a man with a mask covering his face, he had some kind of hockey mask. The other men walked in there and one of them kicked piper in the face as hard as he could. Blood flung out of Pipers mouth and nose and she went out cold. "NO!!!! YOU FUCKING MONSTERS I'LL KILL YOU!!! Screamed Alex trying to break free from the unknown mans arms. Suddenly the man threw her to the ground and smacked her with his shotgun. Alex was now out cold. They were both hopeless. The men picked them up and threw them into the van and shut the door. Is this the end for Alex and Piper?

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