The dreaded truth (part 4)

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Piper woke up and found Alex still asleep, which she was happy about because she wanted to prepare herself for what she was going to ask her. "Was she selling drugs again?" Piper thought to herslef. She couldn't get it out of her head, she really hoped that Alex wasn't but Piper was pretty sure she was right about Alex.

First thing Piper did was get a shower, it felt really good and powerful, she didn't know if it was because the actual shower was really good or if it's because the one back at the prison was really shit. But either way it felt good. But suddenly Piper felt a hand go round her neck and she screamed "AAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!" "haha i got you so good!" Alex laughed. "it's not fucking funny alex! what the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you always have to ruin stuff!?" Shouted Piper with extreme anger. "sorry Piper, god what's up with you today you should be happy" said Alex as she got in the shower and held Piper gently by the waste. "Last night was hot hehe, wanna go for round two?" Whispered Alex. "NO I DO NOT!" said piper in a ferm voice. Alex let go and looked startled just as piper grabbed a towel and walked out of the room.

Later that morning Alex walked in the kitchen to find Piper sat there with a gloomy look on her face. "Look are you going to tell me what's going on?" Alex said. Piper stared at her and took a deep breath and thought to herself "please don't let it be true, please tell me i'm wrong". Then gathered her thoughts and asked the dreaded question. "How have you got all this money Alex?" Alex suddenly looked scared and started walking around the room for a bit, trying to get a hold of herself. "Alex?" "why can't you just be happy for once Piper, we have just moved to paradise in less than 24 hours and your already trying to figure out stuff!" Shoued Alex. "no don't you dare turn ths round on me Alex! Now you tell me straight how have you got all this money!?" "okay" said Alex in a soothing voice. "when my mum died, and you left me like a fucking asswipe, my mothers will was to give everything to me, including her money." "oh my god... how much?" Piper said with disbelief. "..." Alex became silent. "Alex HOW MUCH"? "5 million". Whispered Alex. "oh my god Alex! And all this time you never told me! How selfish are you Alex really!" Piper shouted storming around the room. "Fuck you Piper!" Screamed Alex with tears streaming down her eyes. "FUCK ME? FUCK YOU". "Piper i never told you because i diddn't want you to love me for my money, i wanted you to love me for me? Was that too much to ask for?" Alex said in her high pitched voice like she always does when she cries. Piper opened her mouth but she was lost for words, nothing came out. "And also, you left me Piper when my mother died! And you expected me to tell you about what she gave ME in her will when you bailed on me when i needed you most!" Screeched Alex. "Alex i'm so sorry, i... i was just angry that you never told me all this time". Piper went up to Alex as alex stood there while looking at the ground sniffling away. "Alex i'm so sorry" whispered Piper. "it's okay" as Alex took off her glasses to wipe her eyes and then put them back on. "it's okay" Alex said smiling at Piper.

Piper felt dreadful that morning, She got it all wrong about Alex. She couldn't of got it more wrong. All day she was there for Alex, asked if she wanted anything all day, gave her a shoulder massage and a few kisses on the neck which Alex loved very much. Piper kept saying sorry to Alex every hour and Alex was kind of getting annoyed by it. But it showed how much Piper loved Alex and how much Alex loved Piper by forgiving her so easily. They watched silly movied and ate ice cream all day and went to sleep. They both agreed a fresh start tomorrow and were going to go out and get bladdered!!

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