Part 11: Happy Birthday!

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It was Alex's birthday today and both Alex and Piper were so excited. Alex was now 34 years old but she felt like 18. Alex was one of those people who didn't care what age she was and wasn't afraid to tell people how old she was. Alex always says age is just a number.

Piper woke up earlier than Alex which was normally the other way round. Piper made Alex breakfast in bed. She made her a sausage sandwich with a bit of hot sauce and an orange juice. "What a nice way to wake up" said Alex while staring at Piper, smiling. "Yeah well it is your birthday after all but don't be getting use to this!" They both laughed. "Hey! Wanna see what i got u" said Piper excitedly. "Fuck yeah!" Shouted Alex. Piper ran out of the room and went to collect her presents and ran back in no time. "Here you go!" Said Piper full of excitement. "Hey its suppose to be me who's excited not you!" Laughed Alex as she took a bite out of her sandwich. Alex took out 8 presents all together and a card. There was one big massive present which made Alex's eyes widen. "I'll save that till last" said Alex with a big grin. Alex opened the card first, it took her time to open it so she just tore the envelope and pulled the card out. "To the love of my life" the card said with a picture of this pussy cat holding a love heart. She opened it and read what Piper wrote. "Dear my beautiful girlfriend. You have saved my life, even though i have done some shitty things to you in the past, you still love me. You are the only person who i have actually been able to be myself with and its amazing. You are definately the love of my life, always has been and always will be. I wanna grow old and die with you Alex Vause. I want to spend the rest of my life with u. So to say thankyou for this amazing life u have given me, you have these gifts. Love you Alex! Love from Piper xxxxxxxxxxxx". Alex started crying in happiness and gave Piper a massive hug. They both laughed a couple of minutes later and then Alex wiped her tears of joy away and got on with unwrapping her presents. The first present was some earings which Alex always wanted. The second present was a secret tape which Alex recorded of them both having sex. "Oooh kinky said Alex". They both laughed. The 3rd present was a massive box of chocolates, an unbelievably big amount of belgium chocolates. The 4th present was a teddy bear with a picture of them both kissing. The 5th present was a bottle of booze which was one of the strongest boozez on the planet with a whopping 70% vol. The 6th present was a double dildo so the could both use it at the same time. The 7th present was to an american football game and the last present was the new iphone 6 plus. "Awwww baby thankyou so much!" Said Alex with delight. "Thats not all" said piper. "We have 2 resorvations at the finest restraunt." "Oooh fancy" said Alex with a crooked smile.

All day piper and Alex just laid in bed and watched some horror movies which were Alex's favourate with a big buffet for just the two of them. It was a great day. It came 7 and they were both on there way for dinner. The restraunt was called là fraûnge. It looked very fancy. A man in a tuxedo opened the door as they walked into the red dining room which was full of people who looked top class. "Err table 17" said piper. "Oooh yes, misses vauseman?" Said a woman who worked there. "Yep thats us" smiled Alex. They both went to there table and ordered there meal. Alex got a steak with salad and peppered saucem Piper got the sea food plattè with crab, tuna, lobster and a lot of stuff which neither of them new what it was. As they got there meals they were both groaning with enjoyment. The food was exceptional. They both hardly spoke they were enjoying the food that much. After they ate the food the woman came back and asked for the bill. "$279". "What!" Said Alex. "Anything for my bae" smiled piper. Piper gave her $280. "Keep the tip" smiled piper. "Wow great, i will try not to spend it all in one place" said the woman sarcastically. Normally Piper would of cared but she diddn't. She just said she hopes her children get raped and murdered and walked away.

They both went back home and went to bed.

(Neighbour andy's POV) "What is that vibrating sound?"

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