Miami (part 3)

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As Piper and Alex finally got off the plane after a long tiring journey they were both over whelmed with joy and happiness. As Piper and Alex left the airport they were surrounded by sunshine and palm trees. Then they both looked at each other and giggled a bit with excitement. They got on a bus and headed for there house which was in south beach. When they got there Piper couldn't believe what she was looking at. She was looking at a massive detached house and an amazing view where they can see the beach and ocean and also on the other side of the house a brilliant view of the city. "Oh my god Alex, this is amazing!' Piper said, astonished. 'Only the best for my princess!' Alex said while laughing like she always does.

When they both went inside they both gasped at how wonderful the house actually was. It had pinewood walls and a massive red and black kitched and a purple living room with a 72 inch television! 'Is this real? it can't be it's too good to be true'? Said Alex just staring in the living room. 'Well ya know what they say' Alex said with a sly grin on her face. 'When your dreaming you are supposed to not feel any pain' Suddenly Alex was running towards Piper trying to nip her as Piper was running away screaming and laughing like a maniac until she ran outside into the garden. She stopped and stared for a second as she looked at the magnificent outside pool. Piper thought to herself 'this couldn't get any better'. But then suddenly she felt a pinch on her arm. 'OUCH!' shouted Piper as Alex laughed at her. 'I'll make u really hurt in bed later, then u will know that your not dreaming haha'. 'Well i like the sound of that hehe' Said piper as she kissed Alex on the lips softly. Then Piper and Alex went to bed and had sex for the first time in their new home; and the sex they had felt great, it was much better than when piper and Larry did it. And Alex kept her word and made piper scream ouch quite a few times. Piper couldn't be any happier... until she realsied something. Piper later that night realised that Alex doesn't have a job or anything... so where has she got all this money from? Piper went to sleep and told herself to ask her tomorrow morning. So she then drifted off to sleep.

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