Kidnapped (part 8)

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Alex woke up. She felt her head really hurting. She had been hit tremendously hard. She felt her head and some blood had dried half way down her face. As she looked around the van she saw 2 men just staring at her and two other men in the front of it. She turned around and saw her beautiful beloved pipes sprawled out on the floor with blood pouring from her head. "Oh my god Piper!!!" Shouted Alex with heartbreak. "Shut up Alex vause" Said one of the men. "Or we will have to put you back to sleep". Alex shut up and cried silently. All she could think about is Piper. "She never asked for any of this, why do i always have to wreck her life!" She thought to herself. Piper slowly woke up while holding her head. "Alex" Piper whispered. "I said no fucking talking" said the man again. They both stayed silent until they reached there destination.

They got dragged out of the car and found themselves in what looked like an abandoned factory. The men dragged them both inside the factoryand tied them both to two chairs. "Well well well" said a voice from behind them. It was definately a mans voice. "I guess you guys are wondering why your here?" Alex and Piper could here footsteps getting closer and closer until the man finally stood in front of them. "I have a proposition for you girls" Said the man, smiling holding a knife in his hand. "Who are you?" Asked Alex. "Well i'm not going to say my name am i haha. But you can call me boss. I am your boss now, drug boss." "We don't move drugs anymore though" Said Piper. "Look this is what your going to do", said the man pointing the knife into pipers throat. "Your going to move some drugs out of America and into england and into London, you will then travel to a family called the browning family and give them the drugs in exchange for 250,000 dollars. Then you will bring the money back to us and we will then leave you alone." "What if we say no?" Said Alex. The man kneeled infront of her. "Then i will take away all of what is pure inside of you and then bury you underground alive where you will rot." Alex and Piper looked at each other in despair. "So which is it going to be?" Said the man with a big smile on his face. Alex gripped her hand as hard as she could. She wanted to smack the smug bastard. "We will deliver your drugs, but you promise to set us free afterwards?" "Yes" said the man. Then they cut Piper and Alex loose and escorted them to a taxi. As they got driven home they diddn't say a word.

When they got home they both went towards the mirror and looked atall the cuts and bruises they had all on there body. "I guess we are back in the game then" whispered Piper. "Yeah except we don't get paid for it. "Will he kill us after we bring the money back?" Asked Piper. "I don't know but we don't have much choice." Said Alex. Suddenly Alex grabbed Pipers hand and faced towards her. "Piper i need to know your not going to leave me again, please i can't do this on my own and i need you" Alex sobbed. "Hey, i'm always going to stand by you baby" comforted Piper. Piper leaned over and whispered "i heart you". Alex then looked at her and replied "i heart you too" with a big smile.

No matter what mess they both got in, they will stay together till the end, no matter what happens. But will they survive this task? Only fate will determine what happens next.

Piper Chapman And Alex Vause Life After PrisonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang