Meeting an Old Friend (Part 12)

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It was the day after Alex's burthday and they both woke up with clothes all over the floor and things smashed up on the floor. The room was a real bomb shell. They had both had a great night (if you know what i mean). Alex went downstairs, she was always a morning person. No matter what she would wake up and go downstairs without being tired at all. It was amazing. But piper on the other hand crawled out of bed like a zombie. "What the fuck?" Said Alex as she opened the fridge. "What is it?" Piper asked curiously. "We are out of fucking milk. How am i going to have breakfast?" "Yeah okay" said piper while rubbing her eyes still half dead. "Urgh i'm off to the store". "You can't walk out in that!" Said piper with a raised voice. "Your in your dressing gown". "Like i give a fuck what other people think. See you in 10 mins" Said Alex as she walked out. "I should gey dressed" piper said to herself just before collapsing on the table asleep.

Alex was near the store which was called 'All In One'. A woman looked her nose down on Alex. Alex pretending she had to duck over something really quickly. "Hey becareful with that nose of yours it nearly took me out!" Alex laughed and the woman just walked away in disgust. "Jew" Alex thought to herself. Anyway Alex went inside the shop and got a 4 pint milk with a green top. She queued behind a funny looking woman with frizzy hair. Alex diddn't pay much attention and looked at the date of the milk to see if it had gone off. "Okay see ya later" said the woman and then stopped right in front of Alex. Alex looked up to find a familiar face. "Nicky!?" Shouted Alex shocked! "Alex! What the fuck are you doing here!?" Said Nicky laughing while giving her a big hug. "I live here with piper. What about you i thought you had atleast 2 years left in jail?" They sent me out because of my good behaviour! And i live nearby just round the street!". "Oh my god! Said Alex all excited". Come to my house, piper will be thrilled to see you!". "Ha you got it sister!" Said Nicky in a weird voice. They walked to pipers house and talked about everything.

"Oh Chapman!" Shouted nicky while she burst in. Piper woke up and smiled straight away when she saw Nicky. "Oh my fucking god this is a dream! This is a fucking dream pinch me". Said piper all serious. "What?" Laughed Nicky. "You heard me pinch me." So Nicky pinched piper quite hard and piper yelped a bit. "Oh my god your actually here" piper said as she hugged nicky straight away. "Yes im here, infact i live here just 5 minutes away". Holy shit piper responded."

All day long they talked, watched some stupid tv shows together with some beers and had dinner which Alex kindly prepared and was delicious. "It's great that you two are still together, i knew there was love between you both" said nicky. Alex and Piper reached for each other hands and looked at each other in the eyes in love. "What about you nicky? Have you found someone? "No not yet, i mean ive had a few one night stands but nowt anything major". Alex diddn't notice but Piper could see that hidden under the smile when Nicky said that, Piper could see how upset she was. "Don't worry you will find someone, your a beautiful woman" said Piper with kindness. "Hey easy tiger!" Laughed Alex. "Nah she wouldnt be my type anyway, i like red heads, not blondes!" "Hey fuck you! Laughed piper. They all had a great night and they all got each others numbers. It was time for Nicky to leave. "Well thanks guys i better be on my way. Oh and by the way there is going to be an awesome party over in the bar next to the alley near the shop. It's going to be crazy! You in?" Said nicky with a smile. "Hell yeah Alex said" "Okay see you there" nicky said and walked home.

Sorry guys i haven't heen making stories. Ive been very busy trying to help my dad get rid of his cancer. I hope you understand and don't think i am ungreatful with all the reads and votes i get because i am. I'm going to be updating more and lets just say, the party they are all going to in the next chapter is going to not be an ordinary party so stay tuned.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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