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It's just been five years since the fiasco and Lilith's much-deserved coronation, but so much seems to have changed here.

Under Queen Lilith's leadership, Valoria has turned into an ever prospering kingdom, and she has followed her father's footsteps in encouraging the pride of Valoria- coconut cultivation and fisheries. She is also experimenting on other industries like dairy and fabrics like cotton and silk, which were also abundant in supply, but wasn't tapped to their full potential.

She was an able, stern leader, who didn't tolerate injustice and crime in her kingdom. Pirate ships frequented the coasts of Valoria earlier, but now they're reducing due to stringent laws and punishments put in place. And so is dacoity, which was prevalent in roads passing through thick woods and other deserted areas.

In short, she's a great Queen.

As for Zayden, it took him several months to fully recover, and now he assists Lilith in the administrative affairs of the kingdom... as well as some personal interests. They travel together to other countries and kingdoms to secure ties and boost the friendship. They even went to Cordonia, which was late King Dominic's major concern, as the two kingdoms have been at loggerheads since time immemorial. Lilith knew this and so, this was one of her major missions- to ease the tension between the kingdoms. It's still a work in progress, but it's definitely looking positive.

Ethan and Melissa went soon after to Genovia to prepare Melissa to meet her suitors. Being the overprotective brother he is, Ethan makes things harder for the princes, and Melissa can't help but sigh.

Dylan visited his family a few times. It was tough and heartbreaking for him to move on from Lilith and spent most of his days wandering in the woods, hunting wild boars and pheasants, as well as engaging himself in new hobbies like rock collection.

Heather went back to Richtorlein just a year after Lilith's coronation because her father passed away and though her elder brother was next in line to the throne, she assisted him in maintaining diplomatic relations with other kingdoms, even oversees. It made her more aware of her kingdom and made sure her brother's decisions and policies didn't negatively impact his subjects.

During one such meeting, Heather met a French diplomat Phillippe. They met many times after that and got to know a lot about each other.

Gradually they fell in love, and as Heather predicts confidently, he will propose to her anytime soon.

Aeden and the erstwhile Crown Shield Victor were put behind bars on charges of murder. They were initially given the death sentence, but on Lilith and Zayden's timely interjection, they will serve twenty years in jail for conspiration and aiding in the assassination.

The main conspirator was the Queen, and it was declared to the public to justify their final decision.

Though stripped of his position as the Crown Shield, Victor has been permitted to train knights and soldiers. Aeden on the other hand is trying his hand as a writer, to pen down his experiences and mistakes. Agatha is allowed to meet him once a week.

* * *

Today is a special day. It's 21st November 1605 and the whole of Valoria would witness a very momentous event. All the shops are closed, all the houses are empty and no one was in the streets. They had all assembled outside Holy Trinity church, which stood atop a tiny green hill, complete with picturesque mountains and fir trees filling the background. Sprinkles of colourful flowers embellished the little hill and the gentle mist in the wee hours of the morning made it look like a scene right out of a fairytale.

Today was Lilith and Zayden's wedding.

Melissa and Heather came to Valoria weeks before to help Lilith find the perfect wedding gown, fit for a true queen. Dylan, who was finding it more difficult now to control his emotions with the lingering atmosphere, left for his home. 

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