Chapter 25

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Thankfully, nobody walked into the library for a long time, so Lilith had enough time to search every nook and corner of the library. She peered through bookshelves, put aside piles of dusty books and emptied the shelves in the hope of a hidden door. Lilith pushed the walls gently for a hollow sound. She kneeled and crawled on the wooden floor.

"Ow," she exclaimed when she bumped her forehead on the edge of the majestic oval wooden table that could set at least twenty-four people. Rubbing her palms on the bruise, her eyes caught a dull golden sheen on the floor, right below the table.

Quite an unsuspecting spot. Yet here I am.

She twisted the key in the keyhole and opened the secret underground path. A flight of stairs slanted downwards towards a narrow, dimly lit opening. Several snores could be heard from below. She took the key along with her and went down the path.

She ducked slightly as the narrow opening was quite small for her height.

"Oh my god, you were all in here?!" she exclaimed, forgetting that she was supposed to be silent.

"Oh, Good evening Therese, when did you come back? Brought us any snacks from your village?" Ethan asked, still half asleep, recognising her voice.

Lilith (still disguised as Therese) shook Ethan, Heather, Dylan and Melissa fiercely on their shoulders, waking them up.

"Ugh, what is it, Therese?" Heather grumbled, rubbing her eye.

"It's not Therese, you idiots. It's me, Lilith."

"By golly, you look exactly like Lilith," Dylan mocked.

"She might've even forgotten us, after getting the crown," Melissa said, unable to contain her anger anymore.

Lilith sighed. "No, it's really me." Saying so, she swooped the green liquid, a little more than what was required in her excitement to show that she was indeed Lilith.

Within just a few moments, the fifty-year-old servant lady Therese turned into the twenty-year-old Lilith. Her red locks, her effervescent smile, her petite frame were all back.

"What the-!" Heather gasped. Dylan and Melissa were too shocked to utter a word. Ethan leapt on Lilith and wrapped her in a big hug.

"How we wished to see this day!" he said. Melissa remained sceptical and her look of shock turned into a frown.

"We don't have much time. I suppose you weren't aware of the happenings outside. Well, long story short, Catherine killed my Dad and blamed me for it. I was thrown into the dungeons and the Coronation is tomorrow. Catherine will be crowned."

"What-? Why-? How-?" began Dylan.

"No time to explain. Come out quickly," Lilith said.

They quickly scrambled out of the secret prison and found Catherine standing at the library entrance, hands folded across her chest, her Crown Shield by her side.

"Well, well! What a surprise! If it isn't the saviour who's come to rescue her friends!"

They said nothing but looked coldly at her.

"Why are you doing this Catherine? Why do you want the crown? You could've remained the queen with my Dad alive..." Lilith said, her voice breaking, evidently, due to the anger and sadness she was holding within.

"Aah, good question. Not that I want to answer it of course, but since this would be the last question you'd ever ask before I behead you, let me tell you..."

"I was just fourteen, the Princess of Renadelle, when I fell in love with a young knight, serving the palace at the time. Long story short, I became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. My father, the King, was furious, ashamed hearing about the affair and detested my baby. He vowed to never let me see my child again. I was heartbroken. My mother told me that in a fit of rage, my father killed my baby. To justify him further, she said it was the only way it would be kept a secret. Or else everyone would know, causing a scandal. The knight, my lover, was caught eventually, and beheaded."

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