Chapter 15

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"Papa!" yelled Lilith, running down the flight of steps and across hallways, in an attempt to reach her father before it's too late. Her bleary eyes barely managed to navigate through the dozens of corridors, chambers and servants' quarters. Her ears hardly took notice of the hubbub of guests and the clanging of dishes.

She finally made it to the King's chamber, which was guarded by two soldiers. They bowed before her. 

"Is anyone in the room?" she asked panting, reaching her hands towards the dagger she tied around her calf.

"No, Your Highness," they answered.

"Had anyone come here before?" she inquired.

"No, Your Highness. Except for the apothecary, of course. He had come to give some medicines after food. His Majesty was quite drowsy when the apothecary went in, but after having his medicines, he seemed wide awake. He read books for a long while and now he's deep in sleep." They pushed the heavy double doors open and let her in.

Lilith though relieved, mentally prepared herself to face the worst. She walked silently into the room, her bare feet hardly making a sound. She took tentative steps towards King Dominic's bed, where he lay peacefully immersed in his slumber. She kneeled on the floor right beside his bed and held his palms in hers. It felt warm. Tears flowed from her eyes.

I thought I'd lost you, Papa.

She rested her chin on the bed, looking at the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. She was relieved.

But the relief was short-lived. Just a few moments later, he started taking in short rapid breaths. He turned and shifted in his sleep and rubbed his hands on his chest as if to ease the congestion. Then he coughed continuously until he opened his eyes. Lilith quickly got up and fetched him a glass of water from the jug on his study. The guards heard the King's incessant coughing and peeked inside the room. They saw Lilith pouring water for him. He drank it in two gulps. It made him feel better for the time being.

He acknowledged Lilith's presence and patted her head. He tried to get back to sleep but she noticed he was taking long, strained breaths. She rubbed his back to relieve him but to no avail.

"Guards!" she yelled.

"Yes, Your Highness?" they answered.

"Fetch the apothecary, and be QUICK!"

One guard remained in his spot while the other rushed off downstairs in search of the apothecary.

Oh my god, what do I do?

She sat facing King Dominic, observing him. She noticed a trickle of blood running down his cheek. She traced the trickle to see where it came from. It had come from his ear.

Another trickle came from his nose and hid beneath his thick grey moustache. Lilith could sense herself trembling. She scurried across the room, scrambling shelves and cupboards for a suitable remedy.

"Where's the aloe vera juice I'd prepared?" she exclaimed, frustrated. 

King Dominic simply shrugged, and added, "It's completely normal my dear. Ever since the accident, these symptoms have been frequent visitors."

Of course, she knew it was common. After all, she'd always stayed by her father's side since the unfortunate incident. She took good care of him and kept him entertained with her antics. She was familiar with his symptoms and the bleeding from his nose and ears weren't new. It would go as abruptly as it came. It rarely persisted, and if it did, she would squeeze a few drops of aloe vera juice into his ears and nose, and the bleeding would stop. 

But this time, it was as if each of the tiniest problems got amplified. Or so she felt. She was terribly scared of what would happen to her father. 

After rifling through the cabinets and the bedside stands, Lilith finally found the aloe vera juice kept in a small jar kept behind the mantelpiece and applied it.

The blood failed to stop dripping through his ears and nose. Lilith bit her lip, trying to find an alternate remedy.

King Dominic felt restless and tried to get up slowly, but his legs failed to move. It was like his body was getting paralysed gradually, beginning from his legs.

Lilith said, "Dad, please lie down. The apothecary will be here any minute now. You'll be fine soon, I promise."

She walked towards the door and saw the other guard, still posted to his place. 

She asked him, "Where is the apothecary? I need him immediately!" The guard was about to go but she heard footsteps treading from a distance and stopped him.

"I think it is the apothecary," she said, waiting expectantly. The guard who'd gone to fetch him, however, came back empty-handed. Lilith's fears were back. The guard, seeing her face began, "I'm sorry, I couldn't find him, I looked everywhere for him-"


Lilith turned around and gasped. The guards looked in horror at the sight. Their jaws slackened. King Dominic fell head first on the floor, and blood was oozing out of a seemingly deep wound in his head. 

"Did His Majesty simply fall off the bed?" one of them asked, quizzically.
The other one shushed him and answered, "I think he tried to get up but couldn't get the grip."

Lilith rushed towards him and yelled at the top of her voice, "Dad! Please open your eyes! Dad!"

She shook him with all her might, to let him show some sign of life. Her green dress was soaked in his blood.

At that moment, the apothecary walked in casually, with his sack full of medicines. He said, "Your Majesty, time for your medi–" and stopped midway, staring in absolute horror at the sight. The two guards surveyed the apothecary up and down and then looked at each other, confused.

He quickly kneeled beside the King. He felt for his pulse. Yes, there was a feeble one. Without wasting a moment, he tried a farrago of medicines and therapy. The King however did not respond to his treatment. The pulse became weaker and weaker until he was no more.

The apothecary removed his hat and bowed before the departed soul, as a mark of grief and respect. He patted Lilith on her shoulders to instil strength in her. With the help of the guards, he lifted the lifeless body.

Lilith was filled with guilt, regret and rage.
I failed my Dad. I failed Valoria.

Author's note

How in the world did King Dominic die all of a sudden? Did he succumb to his illness or is there more than what meets the eye?

What does this mean for Lilith and the future of Valoria?  Does she still have a chance to save the kingdom by taking the throne?

Thank you for reading this far! If you like it, please drop a ⭐ and let me know your comments and suggestions!

Until we meet again, Happy reading!

A fox in the snowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora