Chapter 1

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"What the-" his eyes widened and his voice grew louder as he realized what was going on.

"Shh... Listen." She placed her index finger on his lips.

Wow, Lil. I wish I could just... Focus Dylan. Focus.
He mentally kicked himself and pressed his ears against the wooden pantry door.

"...but their prying eyes are EVERYWHERE! How do we kill him without leaving a TRACE or WITNESS?" a man's hoarse voice roared through the pantry walls.

"Well, so much for a hushed discussion," Dylan shrugged.

"Are you going to invite everyone in the palace to listen in on our little plan?" spoke a female voice that sounded muffled but eerily familiar.


"Now who's the one banging the table and inviting people over?" spoke the first voice. It sounded more like a young man's voice.

"Hey, hey!" spoke another voice, "I'm the Crown Shield. All of his guards are under my command. I control them. On the night of the Valorian Moon Festival-"

"Leave it to the nobility to enjoy extravagant festivals and host grand feasts and parties. With our hard-earned money," interjected the young man in an angry tone.

"Ugh can we continue?" the Crown Shield spoke in an exasperated tone and went on with his plan, "As I said, during the Valorian Moon Festival, Princess Lilith will be busy finding suitors..."

"You never told me about this," Dylan frowned.
"I didn't know about this myself, until now," Lilith replied, surprised at the turn of events.

"...and at this time, I will command my sentries to stand guard elsewhere, probably at the ballroom or the royal gardens, without raising suspicion. They're gullible chaps, they won't have a doubt."

Dylan glanced sideways to see how Lilith was reacting to the situation. He noticed her on the brink of tears and wrapped her in a comforting hug. She smiled at Dylan and pressed her ears against the doors, listening in on their conversation.

Damn. She's so strong. 

He smiled at her, proud of how she's handling the situation.

"...and while I clear the way, you should come to the King's chamber, via the-" Suddenly a twig snapped under Dylan's feet.


"Who's that?!" the woman's voice came closer to the pantry door.

"Run!" Dylan whispered huffily.

"Behind those haystacks!" Lilith motioned to him.

They raced to the bundle of hay just as the lady opened the door.

The lady caught a glimpse of a silhouette of a young woman right next to the haystacks. However, she couldn't recognize who it was.

"What in the world are you doing, Lil?! Come BEHIND the haystacks!" Dylan looked at her, alarmed. 

Shoot. She has spotted us.
"She's headed this way. What do we do?" He said out of breath, his eyes peeping through the haystacks.

Lilith turned to see the lady walking towards them.

Aaha! No wonder her voice was muffled. She's wearing a mask. Looks quite expensive. Who-

Dylan shot her a petrified look, "What do we do?!"

"Kiss me," Lilith said.

"Wha-?" Dylan looked at her, surprised and amused at her desire. A smile played on his lips.

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