Chapter 8

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On their way back, they halted at the outskirts of Aersberg and took shelter at an inn.

The inn was a pretty old one, not frequented by many. The owner was an old man, bent over his cane. His eyes lit up when he saw some visitors. At least, he had someone to talk to. He quickly walked over to welcome them.

"Welcome to The Cozy Tavern," the old man smiled, pointing to the wooden board, which looked like it would fall off in the mildest breeze.

"Ugh, is this where we're staying for the night? It's so..." Heather complained, looking distastefully at the inn's exterior, where its paint was peeling off.

"Well, we won't find another inn for the next couple of hours on our way back, so might as well retire for the day right here," Dylan replied.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to doze off as soon as I hit the bed," Ethan yawned, his eyes half shut. "Good night!"

"I'm going to probably read something in my room," Melissa said, stifling a yawn. "Ah, who am I kidding, I'm off to sleep. Bye!"

"I might take a while to sleep. I'll sit here for a while, by the fireplace. Care to join me, Lil?" Dylan asked, hoping she'd stay with him.

"Nope, you carry on. I'm quite tired and my legs are sore from all this travelling," Lilith replied, rubbing her left leg.

The old man sat with Dylan for a while and started talking with him. His name was Raphael and was in his mid-eighties. The inn was passed on from his father and had run successfully until the past decade. Since the past decade or so, many more new inns and taverns had come up and no one wanted to stay here anymore. He had no wife or kids.

From the way he talked enthusiastically to Dylan, it was evident that no one was bothered to talk and listen to the old man and he was longing for some company. They drank a tankard of ale each, sharing their stories.

Dylan stayed for a long time downstairs with Raphael, until sleep overpowered him. At last, he too went to sleep.

Lilith relaxed in her room, rubbing her sore ankles. She was sleepy but her leg pain didn't allow her to rest. Well, it was not just the sore leg, but the various thoughts swimming in her head that prevented her from sleeping.

~It's not the first time someone has tried to kill her father. Being the ruler of a prosperous kingdom has posed several threats to his well being. He was at the receiving end of several verbal and non-verbal threats and accusations.

The first time it happened, Lilith and her father were taking a stroll in the palace garden when suddenly he clutched his chest in pain and fell, unconscious. Since Lilith was the only one with him at the time, several baseless allegations were made against her, as she had a definite motive- to kill her father and assume the throne.

Later on, the physician concluded that King Dominic's breakfast that morning had been poisoned. Once this was revealed, the mystery dissolved as quickly as it came. Nobody came forward to find out who was behind it. Except for Lilith. But she was just a young girl of thirteen. How far could she possibly go to find the criminal?

Just two years later, there was a second attempt. This time the father-daughter duo had gone to the woods to hunt. Lilith slung her bow across her shoulder and carried a few arrows with her. King Dominic specifically instructed no guard should be present. He just wanted to spend some quality time with his daughter. They spent all afternoon there. 

Just as the afterglow of sunset lingered on the horizon, a loud "swish" was heard, and an arrow pierced King Dominic's shoulder. Blood dripped all around and Lilith helped her father climb her horse, tied him securely on her back, and rode back to the palace.

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