Chapter 11

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Lilith looked on at the receding figure of Aeden. She was still in disguise. And her friends were still in their custody. But she realized it wouldn't be wise to let them escape at this moment, as it would lead to more trouble. She couldn't tell anyone else about this either as she felt more people would be involved in this than she thought.

Hell, I can't trust anyone now!

Meanwhile, Aeden had gone back to the Queen and Crown Shield to resume planning. The Moon Festival is in two days and they've already decided the best and safest way to assassinate him without leaving a trace.

The Crown Shield was discussing the plan when Aeden interrupted his monologue and said, "I have to tell you something." He looked at the floor, not meeting their eye. He felt guilty for ruining the plan but felt obligated to inform them.

"Go on," Catherine said with a smug smile as if knowing what he was about to tell.

"I may have set Lilith free," he said, shamefacedly.

"You WHAT?!" The Crown Shield roared.

"Yeah. Your Majesty, remember the young lad you saw in the hallway walking with me? The one I introduced as my best friend Zayden?"

"Yeah, that strange fellow from the village," she nodded remembering. "That was Lilith, wasn't it? I had a hunch. But I thought I could trust you to not let your feelings for your sister betray the plan."

"She won't interfere in our plan, I promise... I've made some arrangements for that," he replied decisively.

The Crown Shield stared in disbelief at both of them. "Your Majesty, I'm sorry if I appear to be rude, but... ARE YOU DRUNK?!"

"I may have taken in a few tankards of ale," she replied, unperturbed, pointing at the empty tankard placed on the table with its froth around its rim.

"Wha-? And you allow Lilith to roam around freely, plotting against our plan? Ma'am, we shouldn't underestimate anyone, even if it is a naive princess," the Crown Shield said, perplexed.

Catherine smirked as if dismissing his comment. "Hah! She's not as innocent as you'd think. She's not the usual ballgown-party-wine-waiting-for-my-Prince Charming sort of princess. She's much fiercer, bolder, and smarter than we think. She's going to be a big threat to our plans. At least she won't do as much harm as she would with her friends around her. But she won't give up easily. That's why we have to spell her. Cast a spell on her so that she's nowhere close to where Dominic is. We need her to stay with her suitors, preferably dancing the night away, which she won't do otherwise. I leave that to you, Aeden. Can I trust you this time?"

Aeden nodded submissively. He was more confused than ever. On one hand, he took up this plan to take revenge on his father who not only neglected them all these years but also separated his sister from them. But on the other hand, if everything went as per plan and King Dominic died, the original will (naming Lilith as heir) will be replaced with the forged will (naming Queen Catherine as the next ruler). And the person who'd suffer the most would ultimately be Lilith. She would lose the only family she's ever known, and her rightful place as the heir of the throne. The Queen may even use her power and authority to frame Lilith for murder.

He made his way to the ballroom, dragging his feet, cracking his knuckles, thinking hard, his puckered face back.

Someone tapped him on his shoulder. He turned to see Lilith... still in disguise.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Why aren't you changed out of your disguise yet?" he asked, surveying her from top to bottom.

Lilith replied, "Umm... because Mother and-"

"They know," he interrupted her.

Her eyes widened. "They know? How? Was my acting that bad?"

"I told her. And yeah, your acting was pretty bad," he stated, trying to joke with her, but she could sense the strain in his voice.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"Oh, I don't know... everything?" he sighed.

"Umm... actually will you wait for me over here while I change my clothes?" she asked.

He didn't reply. He walked slowly and sat right beneath a pillar, resting his back on it. She realized he was deep in thought and didn't want to interrupt. She walked back into her room and changed into a powder blue satin gown with a lilac silk sash around the middle to cinch her waist. She returned to the same place to find Aeden still glued to his spot, swimming through his distant thoughts.

"You must be contemplating whether killing my father is a good idea after all, isn't it?" she asked, raising her brows.

"Huh?" He broke his chain of thought. "That obvious?" he asked with a wry smile.

"Well, considering that's the sole purpose of your visit, it wasn't such a hard guess... and maybe twins can read each others' minds..." she replied, leaning against a marble pillar.

Aeden smiled, trying to hide his confused mind. He subconsciously ruffled his red locks, which was a clear giveaway of how stressed he really was.

Lilith then took the chance and asked, "Do you still think killing Dad will help you achieve your purpose?"

Aeden stiffened. His face contorted into rage. He clenched his fists and stood up abruptly. He spoke in a harsh tone, "It is my only purpose. Do what you can to stop me. But I won't stop until he is dead." He marched away angrily.

Lilith remained in the ballroom. She watched her brother storm off, a bundle of conflicting emotions. He stopped midway and spoke softly, "Please do not interfere in our plan. They won't hesitate to hurt, or even kill you." Saying so, he walked off.

If my friends were here, they would know what exactly I'd have to do. Now I've only got myself to rely on.

I won't let Father die. I won't.

Author's Note

Will she be able to keep her word? What do you think will happen at the Festival? Will Aeden's mind change at the last moment?

Chapter 11 comes to an end. But don't fret, the next chapter marks the beginning of the Valorian Moon Festival. So stay tuned for more drama and suspense.

If you spot any errors (spelling, grammar, sentence formations, plot loopholes) in any of the published chapters, feel free to point them out. It always helps to have a second pair of eyes to spot 'em.

Please don't forget to drop a ⭐ if you enjoyed the story so far. Also, share it with your friends if you think it deserves more readers.

See you next week. Until then...

Happy Reading!

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