Chapter 2

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"What are you saying, Dylan?!" Heather asked, glancing at Lilith, concerned. She could sense tears brimming in her eyes. "Are you pulling our leg?"

"No, I would never joke in such a circumstance. Lil, you've got to trust me on this." Dylan turned towards Lilith, placing his strong arms gently on her shoulders. He looked her in the eyes and asked, "Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do... I just can't understand-" Lilith waved her arms about frantically, trying to comprehend the situation. Dylan paused her thoughts midway and spoke softly.

"Yesterday, I couldn't see her face properly as she donned a mask. But when she turned, I caught a flash of a fancy hair clip, peacock blue, with intricate silver embellishments. It was as if the moon specifically guided its sheen on it so that I would notice it. Today, I saw the same, the very same peacock blue hair clip clasping her hair."

He paused to let it sink in and continued, "Coincidence? I think not."

"But Dylan, what if there were plenty of the same hair clip sold in the shops? I mean, probably, the conspirator and Queen Catherine bought it from the same place! It can hardly be considered as a clue," Ethan frowned.

"No, that's too far fetched considering Mom always wore customized, handcrafted pieces. She insists on having rare articles of jewellery," Lilith dismissed the claim. "But if it really was Mom, how couldn't I recognize her voice?" Her voice quivered with uncertainty. She threw her hands in despair.

"A part of you would've realized who it was, without Dylan telling. But another part of you finds it hard to accept the bitter truth." Ethan rubbed her back gently. "I know this must be hard for you. We're all here for you, no matter what."

"Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. I just... just need to think through all of this. I'll take a stroll in the garden."

She noticed Heather pushing her chair back to get up, and added, "Alone, if you guys don't mind," before pushing open the double doors of the dining room and sped across the hallway to the garden.

She felt tears streaking down her face. Her cheeks flushed with anger and embarrassment.

My mom? Really?

She shook the thoughts off her head and sat on the white garden bench, beside the waterfall. When she was younger, her dad would play with her near the waterfall.

Her mom never really played with her, as she kept herself busy with court affairs. However, she kept a watchful eye on Lilith, lest she'd wander away. She smiled rarely but when she did, it was genuine.

Happy thoughts filled her mind as she brushed aside the shocking revelations that tore her heart.

She cupped her hands in the marble water fountain and splashed water on her face.

But somehow, the thought of her mother conspiring to kill the man she loved most, her father, sent shivers down her spine.

She walked aimlessly in the garden. Out of nowhere, she heard the melodious tune of a flute.

Such a poetic, mellow, ethereal tune...

She was mesmerized by its enchanting rhythm.

She paused for a moment, trying to figure out where it was coming from. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something move, rustling the bushes. The rhythm was coming closer to her. It came from the woods near the edge of the garden.

Much as she wanted to follow the tune, she was afraid of doing so, as it was known for being home to many wild creatures and legends of hunters who never returned home after their daring adventures.

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