29 (Harry Potter)

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Harry Potter story
(Not paired with Harry though)
Can be any gender

I want them to be really good at charms, especially weather charms. Like, they can make rain fall in the great hall but instead of getting wet, when it touches something it gives off a tiny explosion, without the noise, of sparkles that then disappear as they land so no cleanup is required.

I can imagine them laying in the center of the great hall and doing this past curfew, because they like the open space that allows the rain to fall more freely. Maybe they could charm a cloud so they can lay on it and they float up just below the candles.

Maybe they could be an animagius and it could be a thunderbird. They could also be able to change the size of that form, like an Occamy where they adjust their size to fit their surroundings.

No one would know that they're an animagius.

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