Idea 11 (Doctor Who)

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Doctor who soulmate story

Time lord princess knocked out and beamed down to earth with a Tardis by her father as a last resort to save her right before the moment was used.

Name: The Supernova
Nickname: Nova (doctor only- knew each other as time tots)
On second reincarnation- lost first form in war and was regenerating when her father sent her to earth.
Is a Tardis genius and helps create the Tardis updates for the rest of the time lords, meaning she supped up her personal Tardis since she was a child.

Some Tardis abilities may include:
-portable) can shrink and be carried in her pocket
-telepathy) can communicate with her using a telepathic link~ Nova can do this with any Tardis but only on her own can she extend it to anyone but herself
-personal piece of Gallifrey) her father literally stuck a piece of Gallifrey in her Tardis before the war
-auto destination) just says where she wants to go and her Tardis will take her there on her (her Tardis is a girl) own

Physical constants:
Silver eyes that become rainbow when using telepathy or telekinesis
Red violet hair

Meets up with the doctor after she escapes from the government and goes to see what all the fuss is about with the ship in the sky- right before he challenges leader of the ship (I don't know how to spell the name of the species) in his new regeneration.

Was one of the oldest time lords before they were destroyed- her parents generation is the only exception, but even then they had her quite young as they were the leaders and had to produce an heir.

I may update this idea in the future but PLEASE write this story it sounds so interesting to me and I would want to read it.

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