14 (Harry Potter)

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Oliver Wood x oc- hp
Age: Same year as Oliver

Girl is extremely athletic muggleborn or half-blood that grew up in the muggle world.

Would be into quidditch and would be best in all the positions but not actually on the team, doing tricks while she practices and if put into a match ever she would still do her tricks like leaping off her broom over players and calling her broom to land on on the other side, also sometimes just playing the match completely upside down.

Most the time found at the quidditch pitch practicing or napping on her broom, goes out there after curfew as well to stargaze.
Would be right in the view of Oliver's dorm and sometimes he would just sit in the window watching her peacefully.

Has a specialized broom that she enchanted and built herself to move as she wishes with just a thought.

Likes to do parkour up the moving staircases with her broom as a bar to swing off of or an extra step as she runs up doing flips off railings and sliding down other railings.

Most likely in Gryffindor.

Has bad home life and quidditch becomes her escape from reality.

Meets Oliver in first year and become sort of friends where they will greet each other in passing but don't really talk besides that.
The Gryffindor quidditch team (mostly the twins) tease him for easily becoming flustered around her.

I imagine she gets entered into the triwizard tournament (unwillingly like Harry) and wins first place every challenge.
I think it would be cool if she could talk to animals such as dragons and just walks in to the arena for the first trial talks with it for a minute and then pets the dragon, grabs the egg, and leaves.

She should be incredibly smart and knows how to do wand-less, silent spells.

I also think it would be cool if she was an animagus.

I think she should have a little brother that gets used as her precious object in the second trial.

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