Ignorance Causes Chaos

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Chapter 22

"I'm ready to go again." Angelica's doppelganger gave her a funny look trying to gauge how serious she was.

"I think you should take a break." Angelica shook her head even before the other woman finished speaking.

"There isn't any time to waste. We don't have the luxury of breaks."

"Okay fine. You know where you're going next?"

"Yeah." Angelica answered on a defeated sigh. Her twin image looked at her curiously as she glanced around her. Angelica was in no hurry to go where she knew she should but there was only one memory she could think of that could hold the answers she needed. She had only been looking around for a moment before it appeared out of nowhere. It was like just thinking about it brought it into existence.

"Are you sure about this?" Her subconscious questioned as she stared uneasily at the large mass of darkness. Angelica wasn't any less anxious then her twin was about her entering it again. Especially after her last experience with it. She didn't have much of a choice however if she wanted to figure things out in the quickest way possible. The only place she could think of existed in the darkest part of her memories.

"I'm not sure about anything at this point. If I don't keep moving forward though I'm afraid I'll never move again."

"Alright." Her subconscious agreed but the tone of her voice led Angelica to think the other woman was less on board with idea then she was.

Perhaps it was because of the last time she had found herself lost in her darker memories. Her subconscious had admitted to not being able to follow Angelica in. It was worrisome to think about. Especially since there was no way to tell if it could happen again. There wasn't time to waver now. Whatever was going to occur would. The alternative was no longer an option.

Turning, she faced the black stain in the otherwise white world. She needed a moment, just a single moment, to fortify herself. Closing her eyes to block out her vision Angelica took a steadying breath. Upon releasing it she gauged her nerves. She was no where near as calm as she would have liked but procrastinating the inevitable did her no good. Reluctantly Angelica opened her lids ready to move into the abyss.

Surprise registered across her face causing her first step to faulter. Angelica found herself emersed in her neighborhood during one of their many block barbeques. She hoped that it was the right one.

"Angel! Come join us." Was called out to her as the group of women waved her over. Angelica followed her memory self over lagging behind a bit to glance about her. Kevin, James, and Blake were all there. Trent was not as far as she could tell. She also noticed the lack of white lilies as well. Sighing she settled in to observe her neighbors.

Angelica didn't know what she was expecting to find exactly. It wasn't like any of her suspects were going to attack anyone out in the open. How had she been figuring on pinpointing the killer? The lack of the lilies was also disconcerting. If she were being honest with herself there were a couple of the men she suspected that she wished would have been guilty above all the others. She supposed that was just her personal bias talking against their characters. In truth she couldn't remain impartial no matter how she tried to investigate them from an outside perspective.

Glancing about at the mundane block party she looked for what each of them were currently up too. James was busy laying it on thick to Grace. It must have been before the two of them started their current fling. What she did find surprising had been the hostile looks that Mrs. Miller kept shooting at the pair. How many of the neighborhood women had he been with exactly?

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