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Chapter 6

Angelica stopped swimming after putting quite a bit of distance between her and the dock. She needed time to think. She also didn't think she could stay there and listen to Kevin anymore either. Deep down she had always been aware that she cared for him more than he did her. She just never wanted to have to face the truth of it before. However, being trapped and unable to walk away from the thing she didn't want to admit to, she was forced to face them head on. The experience wasn't a pleasant one. If she wasn't his wife and mother to his children, she wasn't sure who she would be. Her whole identity had been dependent on her role in her family for so long she didn't even know who she was anymore.

Angelica floated on top of the water weightless and adrift. Her thoughts drifted through her mind with more weight then her less then physical form. She didn't even notice when the fog started rolling in across the top of the water. It drifted over her, but she was too lost to her thoughts at that moment. It was some time later that she noted her return to the white foggy world she was considering her safe haven.

"Some facts are hard to have to face, aren't they?" Her doppelganger asked as she took her seat next to Angelica's head.

"I don't want to talk about it. Go away." The other version of her shrugged her shoulders in response refusing to budge.

"The truth may set you free, but it also hurts like hell. If it didn't, no one would appreciate the lesson very much." Angelica turned her head and glared at the other figure.

"What do you want from me?" She snapped bitterly. All she had wanted to do was lay there licking her wounds until she felt better and here her subconscious was just picking away at them.

"Why are you here this time?"

"To see if you've figured it out yet?"

"What? You mean what I lost?"

"That's part of it." The look alike admitted. Angelica looked at the other woman who was looking off into the distance. She sat up to see what was so interesting but regretted it the minute her eyes landed on the seething black mass that had reappeared.

"What is that?" She asked drawing the attention of the other figure back to her.

"You're not ready to face that yet. At least not until you've recovered what you lost. Until you do you won't be able to find what you need to before it's too late." The figure stated solemnly.

"Will it come for me?" Angelica asked watching the mass as it sat at a bit of a distance from them. The figure looked back at the mass as well sighing in resignation.

"No. When you're ready you'll have to walk into it. It'll follow you wherever you go but it can't do anything to you." Angelica sighed out in relief at the other woman's words. She could live with it hanging in the background as long as it left her alone. There was something about it that just completely repelled her very being.

"Are you ready?" Her subconscious asked.

"For what?"

"Your next hint." She held out her hand to Angelica waiting for her to take hold. Resigned Angelica reached out taking the hand of the other her. The fog lifted and with it the apparition of herself disappeared as well. Angelica was left sitting all alone in the middle of a field of wildflowers. It took her a moment before she recognized the place. Smiling she soaked in the feel of the sun on her skin. Getting up she began her search for the class. She found the first student not too far away, but she continued walking on. She was looking for one person in particular. Several minutes and many students later she found what she was looking for. She rolled her eyes as she caught sight of the young teenager flirting with a boy sitting next to her. So far, the only thing reliving the memories of her youth were teaching her was that following the rules had never been her thing.

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