Time Goes On - Finale

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Chapter 26

6 months later.....

Things had changed considerably for Angelica. The first being a divorce. Kevin had kicked up quite a show for the court contesting the whole thing. What he hadn't known at the time was that Angelica's lawyer had approached his affair partner. She was only too happy to help them. She provided pictures, messages, and videos that spanned more than a decade. It had painted a pretty clear impression of the man Kevin was. His mistress had been eagerly awaiting Kevin to file for divorce so they could get married. When he kept putting her off with excuse after excuse she began to wonder if he had been earnest with her to begin with. Once the opportunity presented itself she jumped at the chance. Knowing Kevin as Angelica did he would likely marry the woman for fear of tarnishing his image.

When the evidence was presented to the court of his long-time affair there wasn't anything he could do. He did try regardless going so far as to harass Angelica outside of court. She had moved out of their home as soon as she found an affordable place of her own. It didn't stop him as he would sit outside her building. He was unable to gain entrance due to the guard that was stationed in the lobby at all hours. That didn't keep him from calling and harassing her though as he sat out there. It just dug him a deeper hole as surveillance videos and copies of his calls and texts became part of the proceedings. It didn't take the judge long to grant the divorce. Not only that but Angelica received a generous alimony. Kevin was awarded a restraining order. It was ironic that she had been nothing more than window dressing in his life for the years they were married. Since filing for the divorce she had suddenly become the center of his universe with far more attention than he had ever given her. Angelica was finding Kevin too exhausting to deal with and was glad when it was all over with.

Next was her children. Not much had changed with her relationship with Tiffany. Other than the constant questions about Trent. She was unhappy with the lack of anything happening between the two of them on that front. The only interaction the two of them had was the current case against Jacob. Tiffany voiced her very unhappy opinion over the lack of them reconnecting. Angelica understood his need for space given the case and she honestly needed time to reclaim her identity. Tiffany would understand some day.

Tiffany had dropped Rebecca as a friend as well. It had come to light that the young woman had been the one to tell Jacob that Angelica had survived. She didn't blame Rebecca for trying to get his attention since it was clear she was smitten with him. Tiffany however had no problem placing blame where it was due.

Likewise, Tyler had been blaming himself since Angelica's attacker's identity had been discovered. Their relationship had become strained with all the guilt he felt. It broke her heart to see him that way. None of them had known who Jacob really was in the end. She had discussed getting professional help, but he wouldn't budge. Her therapist had told her that until he was ready there was nothing she could do. She decided to be patient and just let him know she was there.

Angelica ended up taking her own advice and sought help. Not necessarily for the attack, though they did work on that first. It was more for the lasting effects of her marriage. The habits she had learned from her husband were a lot harder to undo then she had thought. Her therapist told Angelica that what she had gone through was called conditioning. While there were plenty of things she had liked about her current self, there were a mountain more that she didn't. She had needed help to unravel what had been done. It was a lot of work, but she was enjoying getting to know the new her. She wasn't quite the girl she once was in her youth. Nor was she the housewife she had become. She was now a cohesive combination of the two. Before she could move on and put the past behind her she had a couple people she needed to talk to.

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