Self Help

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Chapter 4

"She's right you know?" The voice started Angelica waking her up from her slumber. She hadn't even known she had fallen asleep let alone that she could. She raised her head up looking around her while blinking her eyes. She was back in the white world with the fog again and while she was glad to be away from the lake, she felt lonely without her family again. Glancing around her she looked for the owner of the voice that had wakened her. Coming through the fog was the figure of a woman and Angelica sat watching intrigued by this new addition.

"I said she was right." The voice stated again annoyed that Angelica was ignoring her.

"I heard you the first time. Who are you?" Angelica asked marveling at the fact that she was able to talk to someone. At least she hoped she was talking to her.

"Don't you know?" The woman asked laughing lightly at her. Annoyed Angelica huffed out a breath pushing the fog away with the force of her breath.

"If I knew I wouldn't have asked."

"You would think you'd be able to recognize yourself. Are you that lost that I'm now a stranger to you?" As the woman asked this, she came into view shocking Angelica to the core. In front of her stood herself but there was something very different about this version.

"How is this possible?" Angelica asked feeling uneasy. The mirror image rolled her eyes coming to sit in front of her.

"You're stuck in your own head dear. Who else would you be talking to right now?" Angelica had to admit she had a point as asinine as it may seem. "Back to my earlier point, Tiffany was right in what she said to Kevin."

"How so?"

"Are you really that daft these days?" Her doppelganger asked in frustration making Angelica shrink back a bit with her growl.

"What he said was true. He's worked hard to provide for his family over the years."

"That may be, but you've worked just as hard as a wife and mother to make that happen. Do you really think he would have gotten so far in life if you hadn't been supporting him?"

"We're a team that's how it works."

"I think you need to look up the definition of what team means." Angelica huffed in annoyance as she crossed her arms in anger.

"I don't see anything wrong with the way our life is."

"Of course, you don't. You seem to have forgotten a lot of things over the years. It's sad that your own daughter can see what you can't."

"What are you talking about?"

"The sacrifices you've made for him. And did he ever acknowledge any of them or show you any kind of appreciation for all you've done for him? Of course, not because he takes you for granted. Honestly they all do."

"That's absurd. Everything I've done for my family I've done because I wanted to."

"Have you really now?"

"Yes!" Angelica bit out becoming thoroughly fed up with herself.

"I think you need a bit of a reminder." With that said her look alike got up and walked back off into the fog. Angelica got up calling after her following blindly behind her. Just what did she know anyway. She has lived her life as she saw fit and she didn't regret anything. Even though Angelica was stomping in her wake she soon lost sight of the figure in front of her as it bled together with the fog around her. Angelica glanced all around her frustrated to find she couldn't see her anywhere. Feeling ridiculous she wandered around aimlessly not sure where she was going just that it seemed to be nowhere at all.

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