Not as it Appears

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Chapter 19

Turning away from the out of place ornament Angelica nearly missed the boys' silent interaction. The two of them glanced at each other before giving one another a slight nod. As they finished descending the staircase they both wore looks of determination which they replaced with smiles before entering the kitchen. Following in their wake Angelica hoped crossing over the threshold of the room didn't throw her into another memory. Sighing in relief Angelica found the scene continuing from earlier. Perhaps in order to jump locations it had to be a true doorway she had to cross and not just the entryway between room. She rolled her eyes at her folly. She should have known better. Without thinking she leaned back against the fridge. She jerked as she made contact with it instead of falling right through it like she had feared when she realized what she was doing at the last second. Deciding to think on it later she turned her attention back to the occupants of the room. The boys had moved to either side of her as she rinsed some fruit in the sink. She watched as they silently counted down before moving in. They moved together smashing her in between them while they both gave her a bear hug from either side. Angelica chuckled to herself as she watched the past her squeal for them to let go. She wondered if boys ever really grew up at all.

As if drawn by Angelica's distress the girls clamored into the kitchen laughing at the scene they stumbled upon. Pushing herself away from the fridge Angelica glanced between Jacob and Rebecca. While Jacob seemed to be pointedly ignoring the young woman Rebecca blushed lightly when she looked at him before quickly glancing away. Tiffany elbowed her friend playfully while wiggling her eyebrows at her causing Rebecca to blush a deeper shade of red. Moving her gaze to the other three people in the room Angelica caught her son looking at Jacob curiously as Jacob rolled his eyes in response. It looked to Angelica that Rebecca liked Jacob quite a bit, but the feeling did not appear to be mutual between them. That was something else she wished boys would grow out of. She really hoped that he wasn't just using the girl out of boredom. Tyler smirked at his friend before turning his attention back to his mother.

"You know that you're supposed to look both ways before crossing the street right mom?" She surmised that Jacob had gone running to his friend and ratted her out.

"What are you talking about?" Angelica asked looking genuinely puzzled by her son's question. Angelica looked at herself in shock. She knew that there was a lot on her plate every day, making sure her family was cared for and that the household ran smoothly. However, the near hit happened not even 15 minutes before. Surely she wasn't that distracted that the incident had just left her mind completely. Tyler looked at his mother as if she was a complicated puzzle. Angelica groaned at the whole scene thoroughly blown away by the incompetence she seemed to have at times. Tiffany looked over sharply from where she sat on the floor giving Cooper belly rubs.

"Yeah Tyler what are you talking about?" Tiffany raised from the floor moving to lean against the kitchen island joining in on the conversation. Tyler slung his arm around Angelica's shoulder giving her a bit of the stink eye as if she were a child that had done something wrong.

"Mom ran out in front of a car and nearly got hit. You're lucky the driver saw you and stopped in time." He chastised her. She rolled her eyes at her son as she pushed his arm from her shoulder. Angelica walked across the kitchen to lean against the island next to her daughter watching the interaction along with her. She wondered how they would have reacted if they had known what really happened in the street earlier. She snorted in amusement knowing full well luck had nothing to do with the fact that she hadn't been run over that day.

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