Starless Night

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Chapter 1

Angelica splashed through the puddles quickly as she hurried towards the movie theater entrance trying to get out of the rain. The weather outside tonight matched her mood perfectly, angry. Tonight, had been her and her husbands regular weekly date night but he had cancelled at the last minute to go to dinner with clients. It wasn't the first time he had done this, and it probably wouldn't be the last either. It wasn't even the fact that he had changed his plans that had her fuming, but the fact that she had just spent two hours dressing up for tonight and then he waits to call until five minutes ago.

"Is it so hard to be even a little considerate once in a while?" She muttered out loud the sound of the thunder drowning out her words as lightning forked across the sky. Picking up the pace she reached for the lobby door. They were originally planning on watching the new romantic comedy, but she wasn't in the mood for that tonight. Not now anyway. Making her way over to the ticket booth she took out one of the tickets she had already purchased earlier in the week. Hopefully they would let her exchange it for the horror movie that was playing instead. A little nonsensical violence was just what she needed right now.

"Hi, I bought this ticket earlier in the week and I was wondering if I could change the movie to the other one instead?" Angelica smiled her most flirtatious smile at the teenage kid manning the ticket booth while batting her eyelashes at him. She wasn't the most gorgeous creature to ever live but for a 45-year-old housewife she did clean up pretty well. Especially since she had put extra effort into her appearance for the night. So what if it had originally been meant for her husband. His loss was her gain, especially if it got her the movie ticket she wanted. She didn't make a habit of flirting with other people. It usually made her feel weird to do it to anyone other than her husband Kevin, but tonight she was making an exception.

With a shy smile of his own the kid exchanged her ticket for her, telling her to have a nice time. If only he knew she planned on transplanting the face of her errant husband on every victim in the movie. She would have a nice time indeed. Taking the ticket from his offered hand she gave him one more award-winning smile, this one was genuine, before moving off to get snacks. The best part about Kevin bailing on her was that she wouldn't have him hoarding all the popcorn. Heck maybe she felt like candy instead and would actually be able to get it. Maybe, she would go wild and get a full dinner of nothing but junk food from the concession stand and just skip out on eating out. After all Kevin wasn't with her tonight she could do as she liked for once without having to think of someone else. When was the last time that happened? Try as hard as she could she just couldn't recall the last time she put her own wants first. With that epiphany in mind she approached the counter prepared to go all out on herself.

Carrying her armful of goodies away she chuckled to herself. The look on the teenager's face as she ordered popcorn with extra butter, three different kinds of candy, a pickle, nachos, and a big gulp had been classic. So what if she was dressed up like she was going to a five-star restaurant later, she was going to pig out and enjoy every minute of it. Angelica admitted she would probably have the world's largest gut ache the next morning, but it would be worth it. She may even skip her daily exercise routine tomorrow just because she felt like going on a mini rebellion. Who was to stop her from doing so anyway? Her husband? Not likely. He probably wouldn't even notice, too busy regaling her with talk of his business dinner to really notice her. If she didn't fix his breakfast before work, that he would notice. She chuckled to herself debating the possibility of doing just that. She nixed the idea after lightly entertaining the thought for a brief time. While it would gratify her to take a small dig at him for ditching her tonight, she knew she would feel bad about it not long after. She was such a push over when it came to her family. After all both of her kids were grown and in college and she still called them everyday an hour before their first classes to wake them up.

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