The Road Ahead

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Chapter 25

Angelica came to consciousness sometime later. Instead of the odd world she had found herself locked inside during her coma. She had been lost to the welcome darkness of a deep rest. She lay with her eyes closed trying to piece together the events that had led up to her current situation. Memories filtered through her mind as she cobbled the fragmented scenes of Jacob's second attempt on her life. She was positive she hadn't died as the steady beeping accompanied by a copulation of pain assured her as nothing else could.

Her right arm rested beside her nestled within the familiar feel of warm fur. The consistent rise and fall of her limb had her convinced that Cooper was beside her. How they both fit on a single hospital bed she just couldn't fathom. Her eyes moistened with oncoming tears as she recalled the moment that Cooper saved her life when she had all but given up.

Angelica took in a slow shaky breath trying to reign in her emotions. Her nose scrunched up as the mix of antiseptic, dirty animal, and dog breath assaulted her. While it wasn't a pleasant aroma, it was far more welcoming than that of lilies. She didn't care if she ever smelled that particular flower again.

Cracking her lids apart a little at a time Angelica was relived to see that the lights had been dimmed in the room. She found It much less arresting to her sight then the first time. Blinking the world back into focus she took her time looking over her surroundings. Tiffany sat in the chair near her bed lightly dozing off. To her other side Cooper had been set up with his own cot that had been pushed flush with her bed. While it wasn't as tall as her own he was a large enough animal that her arm was able to rest comfortably on top of him. Her gaze wondered on as she tried to catch sight of her son Tyler. It was clear that he was absent which caused her heart to twist a bit. She hoped he was alright.

Angelica's eyes landed on the last occupant. He sat on the uncomfortable looking sofa built into the wall. The rise and fall of his chest the only movement he made as his stare pierced her own. The intensity in his eyes ensnared her making it impossible for her to cast her sights elsewhere. Angelica wished he would break eye contact first, but Trent seemed completely intent watching her.

Gone was the boy of her youth and in his place was now a man of some years. The once wavy golden hair that he had always styled messily was now a short crop. It was cut perfectly even and streaked with white. The smooth naturally tan skin from his teens was now lined with creases and a smattering of scars. The scruff on his lower face belied the long days and work since he had last shaved. Where he used to be boyishly muscular from playing sports and working out now was a man of larger size. He had filled out his frame considerably and while not all of it was from muscle mass he was still decently built regardless. What caused her breath to hitch however were his eyes. They used to sparkle with mischievous light. Now that light was replaced with a strength that would have had her squirming if she had been able too.

Logically she knew that the changes in him shouldn't have surprised her. Hadn't she seen his looks evolve into maturity in her very memories? She hadn't exactly studied him as she did now. Even if she had the concocted compilation of her imaginings from brief glances they would not have compared to the man in the flesh. Angelica tried to swallow but found her mouth too dry to accomplish such a feat. Without saying a word Trent stood and crossed the room. Her eyes followed him as he filled a cup with fresh water. Sitting up proved far too difficult a task for her. From the mounting aches that littered her body to the stiffness of her joints from disuse Angelica couldn't seem to accomplish such a simple thing on her own. Trent helped her as he slid an arm behind her for support while holding the mug for her to drink from. If she had been expecting familiarity at his touch she was mistaken. Not only was he physically different but so was the way he handled her. He had never treated her like spun glass before now. It was possible that he felt her current state warranted such actions. In a way however it was more than that. It was as if he was interacting with a complete stranger. Wasn't she though? When she had seen a manifestation of an adult version of her teenage self, Angelica hadn't been able to recognize her.

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