Turn for the Worse

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Chapter 16

Angelica sat on the ground chewing her nail while she thought over the new things she had learned. She really didn't want to go back into the darker memories just yet. Perhaps she could take the information she did get and go searching through the memories of her day to day life first.

"Why wasn't I able to see his face?" She pondered aloud still bothered by that.

"What do you mean? Like it was too dark to see it?" Her doppelganger asked making Angelica shake her head in answer.

"No. I could make out his eyes to an extent, but the rest of his face was like an absence of one. Even when he had his face right in front of mine. I couldn't see a damn thing." She bit out in frustration. Her subconscious mulled it over before finally speaking.

"You haven't come to terms with what happened to you that night. Like your shying away from it. Perhaps when you are finally able to detach from the memory you'll be able to see what you couldn't." Angelica mulled it over thinking that it made about as much sense as everything else at this point. Standing up she set her shoulders ready to begin her hunt. Her twin image watched her with curiosity but remained silent waiting for Angelica to speak.

"How exactly do I navigate the memories. I get that before you led me where I needed to go. It's time that I start doing that myself though." Her subconscious nodded in approval coming to stand in front of her.

"You need to think of the memory in as much vivid detail as possible to bring it out. Then you just need to cross the door from one memory to the other." Angelica raised an eyebrow in question at her but let it pass. She was fairly sure she had figured out what she meant. "I'll be with you every step of the way. Not as I am now unless you need me to."

"More like a silent observer?" Angelica broached as her subconscious nodded in the affirmative.

"Ready?" It asked her. Angelica took a fortifying breath but was interrupted from answering when chaos broke loose. A mixture of voices began yelling all at once making her slightly disoriented as she looked around her. It took a minute to figure out where the source of the noise was coming from. Once she did however the overwhelming scent of lilies filled the white world. She must have tuned out from the outside world after she had returned from the memory. She remembered smelling the flowers before entering the dark void but not after. As if it was unable to follow her into that specific memory as well. Now though the outside world had invaded her center with a vengeance. Angelica had to concentrate on the assaulting voices to make sense out of what was going on. The smell of the phantom flowers was a distraction as well, but she managed to push it aside. Her need to hear what was going on overpowering all else.

"What happened to my mom!" Tiffany cried out in anguish.

"It's hard to say. She's suffered a lot of injuries. While she was out of the woods she isn't in the clear yet. We won't be breathing easy until she wakes up." The doctor from before told the room. This caused Tiffany to fly into hysterics no longer able to form coherent words.

"Shh, your mom is tough Tiff. She'll make it you'll see." Came the voice of Tiffany's best friend Rebecca. The inclusion of someone outside of Angelica's immediate family worried her. Everyone was supposed to keep Angelica's survival a secret. She wondered how this girl found out. She hated to think that Tiffany had told someone risking her mother's life, but it seemed the most likely scenario.

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