Chapter 10

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Today was sunday. This was the day I always kept for myself, not to be  pampered but as an excuse to be lethargic.

Last night I texted Reese for placing a moratorium on our lunch meeting which she did not go well with her.

Apparently she wanted to spend her entire day with me. It was so difficult to convince her but in the end she conceded.

My staff was also happy that they had sunday off completely even though Isaiah said he would be working at home on the entire arrangement again.

Such a loyal employee.

"Carl, what's the plan for today? Are you going to boutique?" I walked out of my room yawning to see her applying face mask.

"Morning sweetheart, I have a kitty party today but I would like you to go to boutique just to give a dress to a customer in the afternoon, you know I also don't work on sundays" she winked at me.

I pouted knowing that I'll have to open the store only for one customer nevertheless I agreed.

After freshening up and changing into my new casuals, I ate pancakes with Carl. She was ready for her day out with her friends. I loved how she was still so young at heart.

"Learn something from me, you should be partying, not sulking like a panda" she fake chided me.

"Yeah, yeah, I know just go enjoy your party and I'll enjoy my own company" I waved at her. She shook her head and left.

In the afternoon, I went to the Boutique to handover the dresses to the customer. Since, I only had to be out for a short, I did not bother dressing up fancy. The lady who came to pick up the dresses really looked horrified at my taste of style.

Only if she knew comfort comes first for me.

I drove back to my home, only to be shocked to see Leo sitting in front of my door.

OK, I should have dressed better.

I smoothed my already untamed hair and stepped out of my car.

"Hey, I was waiting for you" Leo came towards me.

"I had some work, wait, how do you know my address?"

"I have my ways" he grinned.

"But, how did you find it was me who saved you at the club?" I asked while opening my abode's door and entering inside.

"I have my ways" he chuckled and followed me.

I stopped him "What are you here for?"

"Ouch, my heart, you won't offer me water? I just missed you so here I am" he moved in and plopped down on the couch.

"I don't want to sound rude but if you don't have anything important please leave because I am not in the mood" I tried to convince him to leave.

"I'm hungry, would you cook something for me" he pouted and started watching TV.

That's the same thing that Zac.....Deja Vu.

I rolled my eyes and brought him pancakes.

"Leo, why exactly are you here?" I asked seriously.

"I just want to be friends with you" he replied sincerely.

I rose an eyebrow questioningly.

"Come on PJ wearing genie, don't tell me you already fell for me" he mocked.

"Stuff your mouth with pancakes and shut up, if it's friendship, I don't mind but don't annoy me" I sat keeping myself busy on my website.

"No promises genie" he spoke while eating.


"It's Genevieve" I huffed.

After moping around for a few more hours and teasing me endlessly, Leo was ready to leave. He got so many calls from Zac but he ignored them.

My whole Sunday down the gutter.

"I had an amazing day and I know you did too" he said walking towards the door.

"No I could've enjoyed better alone Leo" I mustered up courage "Please don't expect more than friendship from me" I said.

He stared at me intently "Only if."

He got closer to me "Only if you don't drool over me like you did today."

I gasped "I did not, I never did that, gross. "

He chuckled "See you around genie."

Finally he left.


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