Chapter 19

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"Deal Miss Young, I am very curious, please share your idea now" he rested his elbows on the desk.

"Name the show 'Flaunting the Flaws', all the  models will have nude face, they won't wear makeup. Your company will be saved from makeup expenses and it'll encourage the real beauty aspect of loving yourself the way you are, it'll raise the goodwill of Levantez's products in no time. One arrow, three shots" I explained.

"Damn, that's something unique and risky too, well I'm in, I'm really excited to see what you can pull off" he smiled.

"See you tomorrow at the event, Mr.Jefferson" I got up from my seat and so did he.

I discussed my idea completely with him. He was so intrigued that we talked for three hours straight.

We shook hands and I left with Kimberly alongwith a lot of risk on my shoulders.

I would do anything to promote my company and employees' well being.

We drove off to the site of the event, Isaiah was already there as I instructed him. The preparations seem to be coming off smoothly. My team had been working since last two days.

"Would everything be ready by tomorrow evening?" I asked Isaiah.

"Definitely, we have checked the angles of the lights, the vibrance and there will be a rehearsal too, don't worry boss" he grinned.

I smiled and made my way back to the office with Kimberly. Rest of my day was me drowning in the work.

By evening, Kim informed me that the campaign 'Flaunting the Flaws' has already gone viral and people are loving it.

At least the stage is set for success.

"Boss, I'm leaving now, I will be there at the site five hours before it starts, is there something else I should do for you?" Kim asked me.

"No, see you tomorrow at the event, be on time and tell Isaiah too" I replied and continued working on my laptop.

She bid me farewell. After an hour of overworking, I was also packing my stuff to leave when my phone rang.

"Hello bestie!!!"

I rolled my eyes at his tone "What's up Leo? Is it something work related?"

"No! I was missing you and damn your campaign associated with the Levantez's has taken the social media by storm" he said.

"So you heard it too?" I asked making my way towards my car.

"Well who hasn't? You are a genius just like me" I chuckled at his cockiness.

I connected my phone with my car and continued talking to him while driving.

"Wow, you are so humble" I said sarcastically. He laughed.

"Anyways, I hope you got the passes for the event I had sent you, will you be there tomorrow?" I asked.

"You don't even have to ask, I'll see you tomorrow and I don't need passes, I'm famous, see you tomorrow" he replied.

I hung up on him and reached home, only to see Carl excited about the event too.

Damn the power of internet. It looks like the whole world already heard about my idea. I'm so happy my company's name is associated with it.

"Emma darling! What are we wearing?" she squealed excitedly.

"Anything you like Carl, I just want some junk food right now" I said and made my way towards my room.

By the time I had freshened up, Brianna crashed into my home. She and Carl had been going on and on about tomorrow.

I just hope everything turns out well tomorrow or my company may become slave of Levantez for an year.

Hey bibliophiles, do you like dressing up or not?
Can you flaunt your flaws? Are we confident?

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