Chapter 36

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I reached the beach and easily spotted Zac since it was nearly abandoned at this hour. Moreover I heard the news of red alert, due to thunderstorm, from the cab's radio. I was pretty sure that Zac had no idea about it.

I made my way towards him, he was leaning against his car and staring at the ocean. I cleared my throat near him but he didn't notice me.

"Mr.Loran, you should be in your bachelorette right now" I finally spoke.

He looked at me with bloodshot eyes and slurred "It's you, always nagging me, I don't want to go anywhere" he took one more sip from the bottle he was holding "you don't know about the empty space in my heart, I feel like my mind knows, my heart knows something but I don't know. I don't even know what I feel. It's so confusing."

"We will find that something in the morning, let's get you to sleep" I tried taking the bottle away but he didn't relent. I had to forcefully snatch it and he lost his balance and fell down.

Oh! I know I shouldn't but I wanted to laugh. No, bad Emma.

"I can't, I can't do this but I love my mom...I..." he seemed troubled.

I helped him stand and made him sit inside his car, the keys were still in the ignition. He kept swaying and blabbering.

OK, the red zone starts at 25 km and we have one hotel in 15 km range. I can't take him home like this.

I parked my car in front of the hotel and handed the keys to valet. I made Zac wear a mask so as to save his image from a scandal. I was already wearing a mask. He was trying so hard to stay awake when I dragged him inside.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the receptionist asked politely.

"Can we get rooms?" I said.

"Due to storm, we are not allowed to give one room to one person, if you both can stay in one room.. "

I interrupted her "that would do, give me the keys."

It's better than staying out in the storm.

I dragged Zac towards our room, my
shoulder was crying under his weight. When we reached the room, I locked us inside and let him go with a thud. He groaned.

I slouched next to the door, closed my eyes to catch my breath.

I feel so light, damn, that man is heavy.

My eyes opened when I heard a loud splash. The bathroom door was opened and Zac was inside the bathtub.

"Save me I'm dying!" he splashed water everywhere.

Oh drunkard idiot.

I pulled him out and slapped him hard. That seemed to snap him out of daze. He looked at me grimly.

Holy shit! He's sober.

"How dare you slap me!" he was angry.

"I did not" I spoke innocently.

"You just did."

"What proof do you have?" I spoke meekly.

"What the heck! get out of my sight!" he shouted.

I quickly ran out. After a few minutes he came out only in a towel.


"I have spare clothes in my car" he spoke looking flustered.

I already had a bellboy deliver his clothes because I thought he may puke. I threw the clothes at him and went out of the room. I could feel him glaring at my back.

When I came back, he was sitting on the bed chatting with someone.

He looked up "I'm sleeping on the bed and not sharing it."

I rolled my eyes at his antics "I'm insomniac, so I won't be sleeping, goodnight."

It was clearly a lie but he bought it and slept.

I love you my sleep. I'll catch you later.

Hola amigos,
How are you all?
Was a bit late for update but here.
Have you ever been drunk dead?


You have never had a drink?

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