Chapter 29

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'Bridget, the veil of flowers is not placed right at the third corner on the ground floor' I hung up the call after instructing her.

Currently me and Zac were following Leo's location.

"Drive fast, can't you skip a few red lights?" I spoke.

"And get cops on my ass, no" he replied.

I rolled my eyes because he would never agree with me even if there were no cops stationed on our way.
We reached a shady junk yard and tracked Leo hiding behind a broken down car.

"You are here!, it wasn't my fault, I didn't know they were stalking me" Leo said nervously to Zac.

"It's ok, no one can harm you, I'll make sure of it" he replied protectively. I loved their bond.

Awww, I almost cooed.

We hid behind a car, the thugs were clearly looking for Leo. There were five of them.

"I can fight them" Zac said.
"Me too" I said.

He looked at me skeptically.

"What? my dress has pockets" I shrugged.

He rose his eyebrow. I took out a pocket knife from my right pocket to answer his gaze.

"I can easily handle two of them" Zac said.
"I can also handle two" I replied.

"I can handle half" Leo said.

We both glared at him.

"Ok, I can handle one provided he is the weakest" he said .

"Go for that thin one" Zac pointed to one of them.

"No, he should go for that fat one, don't judge, thin one maybe good, at least you'll be able to have a bit more time with the fatty, to trust your reflexes" I said.

We all agreed and stepped out. The thugs didn't waste time to pounce on us. They were good at fighting but we were able to beat them. They were drunk too which only happened to benefit us.

Thank goodness I'm not wearing a skirt.

Before they could gain consciousness, we quickly ran to Zac's car.

"Leo where's your car?" I asked.
"Forget it, we'll buy a new one, let's get out of here" Zac said making us sit inside and we drove off.

On the way back my phone kept pinging with Reese's messages. She thought Zac ghosted him. I replied her to not to worry and enjoy the party.

The atmosphere in car was tense. I could clearly see Zac holding his anger back while Leo was grinning at him.

"Why were they after you?" Zac questioned Leo while I was watching them from the back seat.

"They were attracted to me and wanted to fulfill some erotic fantasy with me" Leo said with such serious tone that it was almost convincing.

Zac smacked his head.

"Sorry, they were the same guys from whom genie saved me the first time, I might have angered them by burning their weed" Leo said.

"Do not fucking involve yourself in this shit, stop looking for trouble" Zac scolded him.

"Sorry, it won't happen again" he replied genuinely which calmed Zac down.

We reached back at the villa where the party seemed to be going in full swing. We all stepped out. Before they could march in, I stopped them.

"Wait" I got closer to them and straighten their ties and pulled their sleeves down, so they can look more presentable.

Leo grinned at me and went ahead happily. I was going to follow but Zac turned me around and I collided into his chest. He tucked my wild hair behind my ear.

"That's better, my fighter" he smirked and went inside.

WTF just happened. Beat slowly dear heart, calm down.

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Pure Busi-MessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora