Chapter 47

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The atmosphere was extremely tense. He was glaring at me and I couldn't maintain eye contact for long.

He started clapping "Look who's here, the Genevieve Young or should I say Emma Scarlett."

I sucked in a breath and looked anywhere but him.

"What's wrong Miss Entrepreneur?, you dumb now?" his sarcasm showed anger.

"Don't assume things, I have my reasons to hide the truth..."

He spoke "From me? Why do I feel that I was a toy you were getting rid of, maybe you wanted to throw me in someone else's arms so you could get rid of your feelings, isn't that so?"

He knows about my feelings for him?

I was beyond confused.

"Since when, I mean how?.. "

He interrupted me "My car told me, I always had nightmares, glimpses of a girl with me, it was so difficult to put the pieces together, it made no sense to me, my parents never let me drive my black corvette and I always thought that it was fishy. I started getting flashes from my memory and I was always drawn to you like a moth to a flame."

He sat on my bed, closed his eyes to catch a breath "I guess now I know, it had a camera, they seemed to have forgotten to remove it, you know what I saw in it?"

He stood up and towered over me "I see myself looking lovingly at you, that was all the proof my brain needed to get my memories back, you hiding your face, you hiding your room, instead of thanking me you questioned as to how I knew you didn't know swimming, all the signs were there."

"You weren't willing to tell me anything, you still aren't, looks like your reasons for hiding are more important than me, I was never important to you" he snapped angrily.

"That's not at all true.. "

"It certainly seems so" he huffed.

I was silently listening to him but I was freaking on the inside. I was scared of this version of Zac. I didn't even know where to start.

"You can't even look me in the eye, how did you feel, huh?"

"What do you mean?" I looked up and he was standing too close to me.

He moved back and ran his hand through his hair "I was getting stressed about this but you watched me from the sidelines even though you knew, I might have looked like an idiot to you, you wanted to laugh at me right?.."

"No, you... "

"You knew my nightmare was about me getting stuck in my car, you knew how that accident happened but not even once did your heart move, you are so fucking cold."

No, Zac, no.

He moved further away "I thought I was being disloyal by developing feelings for you when I was about to get married, I felt crazy for not being able to control my attraction towards you but you just enjoyed it, I am blessed with disloyal lovers, you wanted me to look like a fool, I hate you."

He started moving out of my place and I quickly followed while trying to stop him but he didn't listen to my pleas.

"Please, please let me explain myself, please hear me out too, you have got.... "

He turned around looking teary eyed "First, you left me and during the second chance, you didn't even try reaching out."

With those words, he turned around and left. He left me again with tears in my eyes.

My heart was once again broken but everything felt a bit more painful even though it was broken again by the same guy.


I know I'm a little late but here's the update you all have been eagerly waiting for.....

Hola Bibliophiles,

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