(2) Dresses Tuxes and Cheers

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A/N: The Wedding Party: Steve Rebecca Alex Bucky. Sam and Veronica Clint and Mila. Matt and Summer (Steve's sister). Mothers of bride and groom: Sarah Rogers and Winnie Barnes.

Four months later 

It was now January the wedding party was in NY. Standing in the front lobby of the wedding shop. 

"I'm here.." Alex said as she shook some snow. 

Behind here was two of her and Becca's best friends/room mates from college Veronica and Mila. 

"Great my last three bridesmaids." Becca said 

"Hey Alex. You look beautiful." Bucky said 

"Don't start your flirtatious comments." Becca said 

"Rude.." Bucky said as they all went inside. 

"Please stop. Your sister is mean to me cause you do this." Steve whispered 

"She' doesn't scare me Steve." He said 

The store clerk came out "Barnes/Rogers I presume?" She said 

"Yes." Becca said 

"I'm holly and this is George. He will be taking the boys upstairs to get measured while you beautiful ladies help the bride and decide what dress you all would like as well." Holly said 

The group separated and went to their areas. While the boys were upstairs Steve told Bucky while George was measuring him. 

"So our mothers have informed Becca that we aren't allowed to have any bachelor/bachelorette parties the week of the wedding." 

"Ugh..so we can do it two months before. Like in April oh I just had the perfect idea. We can make it a trip." Bucky said 

"That would be sweet Steve. We could make it a tropical vacation somewhere." Sam said 

"I second that." Clint said 

"Sounds good to me. I'll run it by Becca later don't forget tonight we need you all to come over to help with the invitations. There will be beer.." Steve said 

"You had me at beer." Bucky said as he took his turn.

Meanwhile downstairs the girls was helping Becca find her dress. She finally found her dress after trying on five dresses. Now it was the bridesmaids turn to get measured just as the boys were allowed to join them. 

Bucky came up behind Alex since she was done. "Hey so about that dinner?" He said 

"I said no." She said 

"Please Alex just one chance that I'm not a bad apple." He said 

"James seriously stop. I don't want to go on a date." She said as she walked away. 

Becca cut him a look as he walked over to her. 

"I hate you. I didn't do this to you when you came to me and told me that you and Steve wanted to date. I have never not once Becca banned you from dating my friends or told a friend that you was off limits. I could of said no when he came to me I could of said no she's a bitch and my little sister can be a stubborn ass. But I didn't because I'm not heartless I could see how much my best friend adores you.." he said in her ear and walked away. 

Later on that night everyone was at Steve and Becca's brownstone. They had a meat and cheese board stuffed mushrooms and a cheese ball. Wine and beer glasses were full as they all sat in the living room floor stuffing the invitations. Bucky sat beside Alex even though she did her best to ignore him. 

"So we have more thing to say then you all may leave." Becca said

"Due to the fact that we have been informed that we aren't allowed to have bachelor/bachelorette parties the same week as the wedding. We have decided that we will make it a joint getaway weekend to somewhere with a beach. We will have one night where we aren't partying together." Steve said 

"Hell yeah.." Sam said 

"Thanks for the idea Best man." Steve said as he and Bucky shared a hug. 

"Welcome." Bucky said as he left he caught up to Alex. 

"So What do you do in LA?" He said 

She rolled her eyes. "I'm a editor for Vogue. But I work in the LA office right now." She said as she got in the cab she hailed. 

"Oh cool. And I already know you work with Steve Sam and Clint at BBRW with your dads." She said as she closed the door. 

He sighed. "God she's beautiful." He whispered as he got in his car. 

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