(8) Broken Hearts and Cabo

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A month later 

Alex was hoping that with time Bucky would have cooled off. She was sitting in her office in LA when she sent him a text. 

"Hey gonna be in town this weekend." 

Bucky seen it on his Lock Screen deleted the text without opening it. He picked up two plates and headed outside. He was having dinner with Marissa and her parents at his place. Alex tried sending two more text messages but he still wouldn't reply. 

She looked down as her thumb hovered over  the phone icon. She finally pressed call while Marissa was asleep on Bucky's chest. He was watching tv in his bedroom he hit ignore then blocked her number. So when Alex went to try and call again she got a error message saying her number was blocked. 

She sat there feeling like she had been punched in the gut. That Friday night Bucky and Marissa were cooking together. Alex knocked on his apartment door just as she fed him some sauce. 

"Needs more salt.." he said as he opened the door. 

"You blocked number?" She said as she made her way in to see Marissa in one of Bucky's shirt. 

She looked down. "I should go. It's clear why now.." she said 

"I told you not to come back here." He said in a stern voice. 

"Yeah." She said as she walked out. 

Marissa hugged him as he came over to her. "It's okay she's a bitch and a slut." She said 

"Yeah.." he said as he started to stir the sauce.

The next day in between photo shoots Alex went to get some take out. When she did she saw them again. Bucky feeding her a bite of cake they were sharing. They shared a kiss as she started to go inside. Alex saw them leaving hand in hand as she waited for her food. The next day she left to go back to LA. 

When she did she called Julian. He came over with her favorite ice cream and ingredients for them to make burritos. They also drank some tequila as well. The next morning as she was staring out her windows with coffee in his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her waist. 

"Your birthday is this weekend. Why don't we take a trip to Cabo get away for awhile." He whispered as he kissed her neck. 

"Mmm sand and saltwater does sound amazing." She said 

He chuckled. "Oh my spicy senorita. Get hot bikini ready we will go have us some fun in the sun." He said 

They also invited the others to join them including Rebecca and Steve. They all flew in to join them on her birthday trip. On the day of her actual birthday Rebecca posted a picture of her and Alex together with margaritas as she kissed Alex's cheek. 

With the caption:

"Happy birthday to my main b*tch! 27 looks good on you mama!" 

Bucky had seen his sister's post but thought it was an old picture. A few days later her and Steve returned while the others stayed longer. Bucky was scrolling through his Facebook on the night they returned. Marissa had parent teacher conferences to do so he was alone till she was done. 

Rebecca posted a bunch of pictures from their vacation. He texted Steve "You all want to Cabo?" 

"Yeah. It was for Alex's birthday. It was a last minute thing." Steve replied back 

The last photo of Rebecca's pictures was a photo of them all on a boat. "Son of a bitch!" He snapped when he saw her with Julian. He searched for her name since he unfriended her. 

All of her pictures from the trip were posted. Selfies of the two of them a picture of her sleeping on chest in the beach house. Another one of them kissing in the pool. The more he scrolled the more hurt he got. 

He was about to go to the liquor store when his sister called him. 

"What?!" He said 

"That's no way to answer a phone. I was just calling to remind you about Friday remember in two days we are having a anniversary dinner for mom and dad." She said 

"Yeah sure whatever." He said and hung up. 

Bucky left for the liquor store on the way there. He texted Marissa that it was over his heart just wasn't in it. 

The Bride's BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora