(13) A Miracle

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Two years later 

Bucky had his arms wrapped around her waist as they stared at a pregnancy test. They had been trying for the last year through IVF. But her endometriosis wasn't letting her keep a baby. Alex had suffered two miscarriages and one IVF didn't work at all. After waiting the two minutes the test said positive. 

But because of their bad luck they chose to not get excited. She called her specialist and was able to get in the following week. 

"If this doesn't go well James. I want a surrogate as much as I don't want to do that." She said 

"We will talk about that when we cross that bridge baby. But for now we just need to hope and pray that this baby is okay." He said 

She smiled at him. "I'm trying." She whispered as she rested her head on his chest as she hugged him. 

"I know you are baby." He whispered as he hugged her and kissed the top of her head. 


A week later 

"Okay..so let's see what we have going on shall we." Dr Charleston said as she put the gel on Alex's stomach. 

She rubbed it all in and started the ultrasound. "Okay we have a heartbeat. It's 160 and we are measuring at about 9 and half weeks. Which is about the time we started the last treatment so that's good. So far everything looks good Mr and Mrs Barnes." She said 

"Thanks." Alex said 

"Does she need to do something different this time?" Bucky said 

"Guys I know this journey hasn't been easy. But you two are doing everything right. It's not something she's doing it's the endometriosis. But I told you both that we can surrogacy if we need to." She said 

"Okay.." Alex said as she sat up. 

Alex and Bucky went back when she was 13 and half weeks pregnant. The baby was growing and getting stronger. They did the blood test that allows them to know what the gender is. Within 48 hours of the test they found out they were having a baby girl due in July. 

Two weeks after they left had that appointment she was 15 weeks. They finally told their families they were expecting a baby girl. In July 10th at 4 in the morning they welcomed their baby girl into the world after fifteen hours of labor. 

They named her Adella Reign Barnes she was 6lbs and 5oz with big blue eyes and dark hair. Bucky was wrapped the moment they laid her in his arms. 

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