(9) Broken Down

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Two days later 

Everyone was at Winnie and James' house. Becca went up to Steve when he arrived with extra ice. 

"Where is my brother? He isn't here.." Becca said 

"Which one darlin?" He said 

She smiled. "The one that is your best friend.." she said 

He kissed her. "I don't know he hasn't been to work in two days. Marissa showed up screaming and hollering saying he ended things again. We all have tried calling he won't answer." Steve said 

She sighed. "Marissa was never good for him. She was abusive and controlling." She said 

"If he doesn't show up in the next hour or two we can go check on him." Steve said as they went into the kitchen. 

Two hours passed still Bucky was a no show. Winnie looked at James. "James I'm worried." She whispered 

Steve came in to the sunroom. "Becca and I will go see what is going on..we will call you." Steve said 

"Okay." Winnie said 

"Steve.." James said with a look. 

"I know. I'll take care of it.." Steve said as he and Rebecca left the party. 

Steve had a key that was from when he and Bucky use to share the apartment. When they walked in it looked like it had been ransacked. 

"Should I call the police?" Becca whispered 

The couch cushions were flipped the glass on the terrace doors were shattered. Bottles of liquor on the coffee table. 

"Shh.." Steve whispered when he heard noises. 

Bucky's broken phone was laying in the floor. He picked it up laid it on the bar. 

"Explains why it kept going to voice mail." He whispered 

He slowly pushed open the bedroom door. Sitting against one of the windows was Bucky with his head down hands in his hair crying. His bedroom looked like the living room with more bottles including one in his hand. 

"Buck.." Steve said in a low tone. 

Rebecca swallowed hard as she walked in. "James what did you do?" She whispered 

"Like you care.." he said 

"I do care." She said 

"Really? Cause if you did you wouldn't have told her lies. She's just.." he said as he took a drink. 

"Who?" Steve said 

"Jackie didn't want me even though I stopped for her. She cheated..I wanted to marry her and she turned me down cause she was cheating cause she didn't want me she didn't see a future." He said 

"Why are we talking about Jackie?" Steve said

"Because I'm in love with Alexandria! And your little wife told her that I was a player a party boy..so therefore she doesn't want me either. We slept together a few times but it was nothing but sex for her. Cause like Jackie she doesn't see us going anywhere. So I broke it off cause I didn't want to get hurt again. I went back to Marissa cause she seemed to be the only person that wants me..I wanted Alex..why Becca? Why did you do that?" He said as he started to cry. 

Becca stood there in shock. "James I..I didn't know.." she whispered 

"Becca..go call your parents tell them the situation. Actually better yet just call your dad. Your mom would be completely tore up by this. Once you do that..call Sam have him come here and you go back to the party." He whispered

"But I wanna help.." she whispered 

"You are helping me. But right now we have to focus on getting him sober. He's never been this bad off..okay. I love you I'll update you in a bit." He said as he left as he kissed her. 

She left the room made the phone calls Steve asked her to make. Sam and Bucky's brothers Ollie and Bryson showed up. They got him in the shower as Natasha and Wanda Nikki and Bobbi came in. They began to clean up the mess. The guys got his bed back together and put plastic up where the terrace doors were broken. 

Sam took Bucky to the ER where he had his stomach pumped and was pumped with fluids afterwards. After being discharged they took him to his parents house. He laid down in his childhood bedroom. Becca was laying in the hammock as she twirled her hair as a tear fell. 

"I didn't do this to you when you said you wanted to date Steve. I never once said you were off limits." 

Becca went inside when she seen Steve she went over to him. "Is he okay?" She said 

"Yeah he's upstairs." He said 

She went upstairs she knocked on his door. "I'm fine mom." He said as she opened the door. 

"Oh it's you." He said as she sat down on his bed. "You were right Im a horrible sister." She said 

"Becca Im sorry..I didn't mean to.." he said 

"But I didn't know that it was Jackie that cheated. Mom told me about how you proposed to her on your college graduation day. And how she turned you down and that's when you found out she was engaged to someone else." Becca said as she looked down. 

It was quiet for few minutes. "And you are also right. You didn't say no to me when I asked you if it was okay if me and Steve dated. So I'm sorry that I didn't give you the same respect. But you are good enough. And you do deserve someone that will love you but not Marissa she is a controlling abuser and a stalker. I think you need to move.." she said 

He let out a laugh as Steve came in. "Have you two made up?" He said as he laid across the bed. 

"Yeah I guess.." Bucky said 

Becca hugged him as he hugged her back. They all curled up in his old bed Steve behind Becca and Bucky on the other side of her. 

"We need you to be better Buck.." she said 

He looked at the two of them. "This awkward. This is not like when we were younger..you two married." He said 

"Shush we have something to tell you." She said 

"You are going to be an uncle again." Steve said 

"Congrats..now you two sleep and no hanky panky while I'm in the bed." He said as he rolled away. 

Winnie came upstairs to check on him a few hours later. She smiled at the sight even if it was a little different. Becca asleep on her stomach in between the two boys like always but she was asleep on Steve's chest holding Bucky's hand. James came up behind her. 

"How about that?" He whispered as they went on to their bedroom. 

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