(3) Cheeky Getaway

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Three months later 

They were all in the Bahamas for their beach getaway. When Rebecca reserved rooms at the Grand Hyatt Ba Har hotel. She put the girls on one floor and the boys on another. She made sure the girls understood that they weren't allowed to give her brother Alex's room number. 

Bucky was bound and determined to prove to Alex he wasn't the playboy his sister painted him to be. The morning after their landed they were all hanging out by the pool. Sam had his wife Nikki on his lap as he sat with Bucky. 

"Is that Alex?" Nikki said 

"Yup." Sam said 

"Well hello.." Bucky said as he lowered his sunglasses. 

She turned around and all Bucky saw was her thong bikini bottom.

"Oh god help me. She's oh god.."Bucky whispered 

"Down boy. You know she just keeps shooting you down." Sam said 

"Dude she's in a thong." Bucky said as he watched her. 

Steve joined them and smacked him. "Go take a cold shower." He said 

"Ow..dude I can't help that the girl is looking hella sexy right now." Bucky said as he took the beer Clint brought them.

Bobbi sat on his lap as Natasha sat on Matt's. "Thanks for letting us all ball and chains tag a long Steve." Natasha said 

"Of course. We asked the others but they all couldn't take off." Steve said 

Bucky wasn't paying any attention to the conversation. His eyes were on Alex the whole time he finally got up and left his friends without a word . He sat down beside her chair. 

"Hey gorgeous." He said 

"Oh for the love of God. You won't give up will you?" She said 

"Not with you looking like that I'm not." He said

She rolled her eyes as she got up. He came over to her he tucked some hair behind her ear. 

"Just a chance Alex. What's the harm in that? Dinner dates flowers and amazing sex. I'm not as bad as my sister makes me out to be." He said 

"I said no. Besides you have a whole buffet of gorgeous women here why don't you go horn dog up with one of them." Alex as she walked away. 

Rebecca walked over to him and pushed him into the pool. "Becca!" 

"That outta cool you down. Stay away from her." Becca said 

Bucky pulled himself up out of the pool. "Don't you ever do that again." He snapped 

"Stay away from Alex then and I won't have to." She said as she walked away. 

That night they all went out separately Steve and the guys went to a bar and the girls went clubbing. As Bucky was getting more bourbon and coke two hours into their night out. A girl approached him. 

"Hey.." she said 

"Oh hey.." he said as he sipped his drink 

"I saw you earlier at the pool. Either one of those girls you were arguing with your girlfriend?" She said 

"Nope one is my sister and the other is her maid of honor. " he said 

"Good..then I can do this.." she said as she kissed him. 

He moaned as he gave in to the kiss and grabbed her ass. The guys seen their make out session against the bar. 

"So much for his determination." Sam said 

"I just lost $50." Clint said as he handed it to Sam. 

Sam collected $150 from their bet as Bucky left the bar with the girl. He took her back to the hotel and up to his room. When the girls were done they headed back to the hotel Alex was still partying it up so she was the last to arrive back at the hotel around 2AM. 

She was on the elevator when the doors open to Bucky's floor. To reveal the girl and Bucky making out. He was shirtless and had on ball shorts. The girl was a disheveled mess with bite marks. 

"Goodnight.." he said to the girl. 

Alex rolled her eyes and said "Not a bad apple?" 

Bucky looked up to see her just as the doors closed. 

"Oh fuck me! God damn it!" He said as he ran up the stairs to her floor. 

None of the girls would tell him where her room was. He went back to his room pulled on a shirt to go downstairs. He flirted and charmed the front desk clerk to get her room. She fell for it and gave him what he wanted. Alex had just stepped out of the shower and pulled on clothes when he knocked. 

She opened the door to see him. "Alex first off the girl she came on to me at the bar. I'm drunk and horny." He said as she slammed the door in his face. 

He looked down. "Alex please open the door." He said as he knocked. 

She wouldn't give in to his plea she went on to bed. The next morning he found her on the pier alone. 

"Alex..please. My main goal this weekend was to show you.." 

"Show me what James? How you are such a liar?" She said as she turned around. 

"No.." he said

"No eres más que un jugador! no vengas a pedirme una cita! eres un gilipollas! ¡Nunca saldré contigo!" She began to speak in Spanish. 

"¡No soy una manzana podrida! ¡Me probaste que tu hermana tenía razón! ¡No soporto a los jugadores! ¡Eres estúpido si crees que saldré contigo! ¡No digas una mierda sobre cómo no eres un chico malo cuando lo eres! estupido culo!" She continued as she rolled her eyes and neck.

He stood there watching her temper fly off. It was one of the few times in his life he wished he had taken Spanish instead of French and Italian or Japanese. She finally stopped and looked at him. 

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She said 

"Because I'm trying to determine if I should be insulted or turned on?" He said

Her mouth fell open and she smacked across the face. "You are unfuckingbelievable!" She said and walked away. 

"Alex.." he said as he grabbed his cheek. 

"No don't just stay away from me." She said as walked backwards. 

Bucky stood there at the pier alone for awhile as tears rolled down his cheeks. He looked down as he wiped face and went back to the hotel. He was packing his stuff when the guys came in. 

"Hey hey Barnes..where are you going we got two more days." Sam said 

"I have to go. I don't want to be here anymore.." he said as he left them there to check out. 

"Something's wrong. He hasn't been like this in awhile." Steve said 

Bucky got checked out of his hotel room and left the Bahamas. That night when they were all suppose to have dinner together. Becca looked around to find her brother. 

"Where's my brother?" She said 

"He left. As in he went home..he was upset when he left." Steve said 

"Did he say why?" She said 

"No just that he didn't want to be here anymore." Sam said 

"Oh..okay..well I guess we can eat then." She said as they all took their seats. 

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