(4) College Buddies and Rehearsal Dinner

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A/n : Xavier and Julian (Alex's ex) 

It was the day before the rehearsal dinner when every one fly in to Napa Valley CA. Everyone was getting checked in at the lobby. Bucky seen his sister with Alex Veronica and Mila. 

"Steve who are those guys?" Bucky said 

"Oh that's Julian and Xavier. Friends from college..actually Julian is Alex's ex boyfriend." He said 

"Ex?" He said just as Marissa and her family came through the doors.

"Yes..ex speaking of exes." Steve said 

"Oh for the love of all things holy." He whispered 

"He looks to friendly to be an ex." Bucky said 

"They are always like that." Steve said when he seen Julian keeping his arm around Alex's waist and resting a hand on her ass. 

That night Becca invited Steve's friends to join her and her friends for dinner. Bucky declined the invitation after sitting through an unbearable nauseating lunch with Julian and Alex. The next morning Bucky was eating breakfast in the breakfast area when he seen everyone else. Marissa sat down across from him. 

"Morning.." she said

He looked up and rolled his eyes. He picked up his plate threw it away just as Alex walked in. He walked right past her without a word. She looked towards the elevator just as Julian wrapped his arms around her. 

Bucky locked eyes with her as the door began to close and he looked down as the doors close. That night at rehearsal he did his best to be happy for his sister and best friend. As they were walking up the aisle at the end of the rehearsal. 

"You are being quiet and stand offish?" Alex said 

"Well it's clear that you have a boyfriend." He said 

"Julian is my ex boyfriend. We aren't together anymore haven't been for awhile." She said 

"Really? Cause the way it looks is that you two are together." He said as he walked off. 

"Like how Marissa follows you around like a puppy dog." She said 

"Atleast I've made it clear that it is over between me and her. She just hasn't gotten the hint.." he said 

"Oh like someone else I know." She said as she crossed her arms as Bucky walked away. 

Bucky was stopped by Rebecca as he was headed toward the elevator. "James please don't ruin this weekend for me. Come on we have the rehearsal dinner.." she said 

"Becca I need to be alone. I can't be around them.." he said as he seen Alex and Julian wrapped around each other.

"Buck.." Steve said as he got on the elevator. 

Alex seen him with his head down against the elevator wall. 

"Don't worry about him Alex. He's playing a game..he is just trying to make you feel bad." Becca said as she seen them. 

The four of them went into the ballroom where they were holding the rehearsal dinner. James looked all over the room.

"Where is our youngest son?" James said 

"I don't know. He was here when we all got back from rehearsing at the venue." Winnie said 

Sarah motioned for Steve to join them. "Hey honey where is James?" Sarah said when he joined them. 

"He went to his room. Something about not hungry and just wanting to be alone. Quite frankly I think he is trying to avoid Marissa." Steve said 

"Oh.." Winnie said but then she heard a loud laugh. 

She saw Becca Julian Veronica Alex and Josh and Mila all together. They were all doubled over in tears from laughing. 

"Something tells me that isn't the only person he's avoiding." James said 

Winnie left the ballroom to go check on her son. She didn't care how old her babies were 31 or not she was still mama bear. She had Bucky's extra key and used it to get in. When she walked in she found a half drunk bourbon bottle on the night stand and him asleep. 

"Baby not this again.." she whispered as she took the bottle and dumped it. 

When she re joined her husband. "Is he okay?" James said 

"No..I found a half drunk bottle of bourbon by the bed. He was asleep so I dumped it." Winnie said 

James sighed as he shook his head. 

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