(5) Rogers/Barnes Wedding

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The next morning Bucky nursed his hangover with some coffee and fruit on his balcony since he ordered room service. Winnie came in as she knocked and laid his tux on the bed. She sat down in the other chair. 

She handed him a bottle of Tylenol. "Do you want to talk about why you bailed on your sister's rehearsal dinner?" She said 

"Thanks for the Tylenol mom." He said as he took two. 

"James honey. You can't do this again." She said 

"I know it was you that dumped my bottle mom. I'm fine I just am getting tired of Marissa being in my face." He said as he picked up his stuff and went inside. 

"Honey..I know your best friend marrying your little sister isn't something you expected but turning to the bottle again isn't the way to handle it." Winnie said 

"Seriously mom! I could care less if Steve married Rebecca. I'm fine I just wanted to be alone." He said as he went grabbed some boxers and shorts as he went into the bathroom and slammed the door. 

Winnie went back to her room where James was eating. "Anything?" He said as he shoved a mouth full of pancakes in his mouth. 

"No he just wants to be alone. It's nothing to do with Steve marrying Becky." Winnie said as she sat down to join him. 

Around noon the girls gathered in Alex's room to get ready. They took a bunch of selfies with their mimosas and silk robes. The guys joined Steve in his room to help him get ready for the ceremony. They also had Bucky's nephew Jordan who is Bryson's son as the ring bearer. The flower girl is Steve's niece Maggie Jo. 

Around 2PM guests started to file in and take their seats as they grabbed fans to keep cool. James walked his only daughter down the aisle and gave her away to Steve as Alex stood by her and Bucky on Steve's side. 

Once the ceremony was over since they wanted to keep everything simple and traditional. They all headed to the reception venue. The couple danced to "Make You Feel My Love" the Adele version. Alex was sitting with Julian and their friends as they danced,Bucky seen them as he ordered a drink. 

Marissa kept wanting to dance he would turn her down. Alex and Julian were all over the dance floor handsy and flirtatious all night. Bucky left before it was time to give his best man speech as he was stepping off the elevator to leave. He was met with Alex and Julian making out. 

"Just an ex?" He said as he walked off as Julian began to kiss her neck. 

But left the hotel after he checked out and headed to airport to go back to NY. 

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