One Heart Broken, Another Healed.

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It has been about four months since me and Dan broke up and strangely, in that time we have become closer than ever. He was my best friend and I was his. I was dating Caspar and him and Dan had also become good friends. Everything was peaceful.

I had woken up unusually early that morning so I decided to wake Dan up. I tiptoed to the guest bedroom that was pretty much his now, and slowly opened the door. He was sound asleep. I tiptoed in and stood next to his bed. He was laying on his back. Big mistake Dan, I thought to myself. I then counted to three in my head and jumped on top of him putting my legs on either side of his hips and screamed

"DANIEL ITS TIME TO WAKE UP!" He screamed and thrashed around for a moment until he realized it was me.

"My gosh Jennifer." he said with a sigh as he combed back his fringe with his hand.

"Morning Daniel." I said sweetly. He just rolled his eyes in return. I rolled off him and layed next to him on his bed, flat on my back.

"What's up?" I asked casually.

"Oh nothing just my crazy housemate came and woke me up by attacking me." he said sarcastically.

"I did not attack you." I said defensively.

"Call it what you want." he said with a smile.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked intertwining my hands together. 

"I have to film a video for my main channel, and I might film a collab with Tyler later."

"Can I come?" I asked excitedly turning over to face Dan who was already staring at me. 

"Sure why not?" He said getting off the bed and making the side of the bed where he had slept. I got up and started to walk out the door when I popped my head back in his room.

"You want breakfast?" I asked grabbing the side of the door.

"Yeah sure. Pancakes?"

"Pancakes." I said happily and walked into the kitchen. I had just grabbed all of my ingredients when Caspar called.

"Hey Caspy. What's the haps?" I asked holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder as I grabbed a bowl.

"Oh nothing. Do you want to go see a movie?" 

"Aw, I would love to but I made plans with Dan and Tyler today. How about later this week though okay?" He sighed and I poured the batter into a pan I heated on the stove.

"Yea I guess so." he sounded disappointed.

"What is it Caspy?" I said stepping away from the stove and leaning my arm against the counter top.

"It seems as though I always come in second place to Dan." He sighed after he finished his sentence.

"Caspar, don't worry it's just YouTube stuff. Were filming collabs today." I said back slightly defensively.

"You couldn't film a collab with me?" He fired back. I couldn't believe he was acting this way about this.

"I filmed my last two videos with you. Can't I have other guy friends? Last time I checked you and Dan were friends." I said back getting frustrated at this whole situation.

"Yes you can but I don't think you should be living with them." he said back, I could hear the anger in his voice cutting the brief silence like a knife. 

"Well then I think that's maybe we should take a break so I can be with that friend. Bye Caspar. Have a nice life. No more chances." I hung up my phone and slammed it on the counter. I turned to the stove and made about ten pancakes. Dan came downstairs right when I finished. I didn't mention Caspar to him. I didn't want to bother him about it. We ate breakfast in silence. I just stared out the window and thought about the breakup. I can't believe it ended that quickly. It took me a few seconds to register that Dan was talking to me.

"Hm?" I said turning to face him. He was wearing the grey shirt that bunched up around the collar. I loved that shirt on him. 

"You ready to go?" I looked down and realized I was still in my sweatpants and band tshirt.

"Oh ya I should probably change." I said and went up to my bedroom. I changed into a black t-shirt with black jeans and a grey scarf. I bounded down the stairs and saw that Dan had gotten in the browsing position. 

"Did I really take that long? Come on let's go. I'll drive." he got up and started vlogging.

"Hey everyone. So today me and Jennifer are going to Tyler Oakley's house to film and then we are going to go out for coffee." He smiled to his vlogging camera as I turned around. He faced the camera on me. 

"Since when are we getting coffee?" I asked getting into the drivers seat.

"Since I said so." he said with another smile. I put the car in drive and we were in our way.

"So, Jennifer what do you think of Tyler Oakley?" He said putting his camera really close to my face.

"Well Daniel I think that he is the official Queen of Sass and always will be." I said back with a smile. He smiled back and put his camera back on him. 

"I couldn't agree more." he turned off his camera and I figured that this was the best time to tell him about Caspar.

"Hey Daniel?" I asked turning into the place where we usually got coffee.

"Yeah Jennifer?" He could sense the concern in my voice.

"Me and Caspar broke up today. I figured as my best friend you should know." we got out of the car and he came and gave me a huge hug. I was just the right height so I could hear his heartbeat when we hugged.

"I'm glad you told me. Lets drown your sorrows in coffee."

We finished our coffee without any words exchanged. We were about five minutes from Tyler's when Dan turned to me.

"Who broke up with who?" He asked curiously.

"I broke up with him. He said he was tired of me spending so much time with you so I said well then why don't we break up so I can be with you more. And that was it. We're over now. I am officially single." I smiled to myself. 

"Good for you. I'm glad he didn't break up with you again. Jennifer?"

"Yes Daniel?" 

"Would you mind not being single for long? Even though you just broke up with your boyfriend?" He asked turning back to the road.

"Depends on who's asking." I responded, smiling.

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