Two Minds Alike

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"Hey K-Kian." I stuttered through tears.

"What happened?" He said giving me a hug and guiding me to the couch to sit down by him.

"D-Dan broke up with me after-" I stuttered.

"After what?" All three of them asked in unison. I sat up and brushed the tears from my face.

"So, I had just got home from my walk with Connor. . ." 

I told them everything and they're looks saddened with every new sentence of my tale. I finished and leaned my head on Kian's shoulder.

"Didn't he let you explain what happened?" Ricky asked coming back from the kitchen with coffee.

"No. He just said we needed a break. This is all Phil's fault! Because he didn't want me dating Dan! Why would he do that to his own sister!" I was pacing around the room now, trying to figure out what had just happened.

"Jenni, if he is just gonna leave you without an explanation then he isn't worth your time." Kian said from behind me. I turned around.

"I'm just gonna go home. Thanks for the coffee Connor." I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door and on my way home.


I couldn't stand being in my room with just my thoughts so so decided to take a walk. I didn't really know where I was going so I just took random turns at random places. I mainly spent my walk looking at the pavement until I looked up and saw her. 

Jenni was about twenty feet away and she hadn't noticed me. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there and watched her for a moment when she stopped and sat down on the curb next to the pavement. She just sat there. She wiped her cheek a few times and she was trembling slightly so I could tell she had been crying. What am I going to do?

Jenni POV

I was on my way home so I knew which turns to make and where. I was humming a tune that I had heard the day me and Dan met when I just wanted to sit down a moment. I just didn't feel like walking. So, I walked to the curb and sat down. I wiped away a few tears I didn't notice were there until I felt them on my cheeks and I just stared at the passing cars. I missed Dan. Even now, when he had never gone on a walk with me I still missed having him with me. 

What am I going to do?

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