Beaches and Coffee

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I walked back to my house after my conversation with Ricky and wrote down some random poem type things, should one ask. I must have sat there fora few hours because when Dan came downstairs the sun was shining brightly in the middle of the sky.

"Morning." he said kissing the top of my head.

"Morning Dan." I said smiling and tilting my head back.

"Hey Jenni?" He asked pouring himself a glass of juice.

"Yeah Dan?" I asked getting up and sitting at one of the tall stools I had on the far side of my counter opposite the stove and fridge.

"Do you still have feelings for Caspar?" He asked awkwardly, looking down at his juice to avoid my eyes. I sat there for a second then got up and stood in front of him. I took my hand and tilted his chin up so he could look me in the eyes.

"Dan, I love you. I don't have any feelings at all for Caspar. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." I whispered as though I didn't want someone to hear. Dan blushed and set down his juice.

"I love you too." he said cupping my face in his hands and kissing me. We separated and I stared into his eyes a moment. Then, I walked upstairs and filmed a video of me playing violin and edited it. It was around three when I came back downstairs to see Dan on his laptop in my huge beanbag. I snuck behind him to see that he looked up my name on Tumblr and was reading a story someone had written with a gif of me laughing on it.

"Who is that beautiful person on your laptop Dan?" I said putting my head on his shoulder from behind. He jumped and slammed his laptop closed in response.

"Wha-what? Nothing!" He said turning around.

"Why were you looking me up on Tumblr? We're already dating. You can kinda take like ten steps and see me in person." I said sitting cross legged on the floor.

"I wanted to make sure nobody posted anything bad." he said sitting up.

"Aw, are you gonna try and get the haters for me?" I said teasing him.

"I'm gonna go for a walk." I said getting up and going to the door. "You wanna come?" I asked walking back to the living room after I got my shoes on.

"You seem to go on walks a lot." Dan said looking out the window to the ocean.

"I like my exercise unlike some people." I said tapping his nose. He smiled.

"I'm good, thanks." he said after a few seconds.

"Alright. See ya in a few." I said opening the door and walking out the door. I walked around my neighborhood for a while and went to the nearest coffee shop. I got a large whip caffeinated whatever and walked out. I walked for not more that five minutes when I saw Connor. He was walking with his back to me so I ran up to him and jumped on his back.

"Hey Connor!" I said after I jumped on him.

"Ah! Oh Jenni. It's just you." he said calming down.

"How are you? I haven't heard from you or Kian since you came to my house." I said walking next to him.

"Oh, I'm not sure about Kian but I have just had a lot on my mind lately." he said with a sigh.

"Listen Connor, you can tell me anything. We have been friends since we were how old?" I said. He didn't respond.

"Come on, I know you know the answer." I said playfully bumping into him.

"Twelve." he said smiling at me weakly. I could tell something was up now.

"You wanna walk to the beach? It will make you feel better." I said pointing in the direction of the beach.

"Sure." he said as we turned around. It took about five minutes to get to the beach and we sat down in the sand about ten feet away from the tide.

"Alright Con da Bon. What has been on your mind?" I asked leaning back on my hands. He sighed.

"I want to tell you, I- I just cant." He said taking up handfuls of sand and letting it spill through his fingers.

"You can though. Nothing you could ever say or do could ruin our friendship." I said looking at the sea. He turned to me and I faced him, expecting my answer. He then said something I could have predicted from ten miles away.

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