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I didn't really do much that night. I just checked up on my videos to see that I liked them, posted, and read for about a half hour then went to bed. I woke up with the sun the next day because I was so excited and got ready in a half hour. We are going to Paris today! I started talking to myself while straightening my hair in the mirror.

"Wait, Dan, Phil, and I are going to be there, in the city of love, today." I said quietly starting to slightly panic. "It's no big deal Jen, you're just gonna go to Paris, play your violin for your subscribers, and go sight seeing. No big deal." I told myself but that didn't really help me. I then went to the kitchen and made myself some pancakes and did the dishes when I was done. It was seven o' clock.

"I'm gonna go wake Dan up." I said to myself, walking to his room and right when I was about to retreat, he opened his door. He wasn't wearing a shirt, his hair was curly, and he was wearing sweatpants. He saw me and gave me a weird look.

"What are you doing in front of my door?" He asked leaning against the frame.

"I was gonna run in and wake you up." I said timidly. He smiled. 

"I set and alarm so I could get up on time. Is Phil up yet?" He asked while we walked to the kitchen.

"Nope." I said sitting. "I'm gonna go wake him up." I said sneaking to where his room was. Right before I was about to go in and scare him I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump and yelp. I turned around to see the hand belonged to Dan.

"Dan, what are you doing?" I whispered.

"He will be up in a few minutes, you don't need to wake him up." he told me, hand still on my shoulder.

"Hey Dan." I said

"Yeah." He replied.

"Your hand." I said tilting my head slightly to where it was.

"Oh yea sorry." He said, blushing.


"Hey Dan." she said

"Yea." I replied, heart beating slightly faster, why was I acting like this? She is Phil's sister!

"Your hand." She said tilting her head to where my hand was on her shoulder.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I said blushing and moving my hand and putting it at my side. Why did I? It's fine Dan, just calm down. She probably just wanted to walk back to the kitchen. But why are we still standing here. Why am I staring at her?

"Idiot!" I exclaimed face-palming myself.


Why did I say that? I didn't want him to move his hand! Jen why? I thought to myself as me and Dan both face palmed ourselves but he said idiot and I said dork. We looked at each other and laughed lightly both our faces a similar shade of red embarrassment.

"We should probably move away from Phil's door." I said, walking to the nearest couch and plopping down on it. Dan sat on the other side of the couch and we sat there in yet another awkward silence. Should I tell him how I feel? Right now? No. I can't. He probably doesn't feel the same. Right when he was about to say something that looked important my phone rang. It was my ex-boyfriend. The only one I had. I picked up my phone

"What do you want?" I asked grumpily.

"I want to talk to you." he said softly.

"I don't have time for this! What do you want?" I said angrily.

"I uh, think I still love you, but before you hang up. . .Well, could you just Skype me instead? It would be easier if you could see me." he pleaded.

"Fine, you Skype me." I said hanging up the phone with an immediate Skype call. I answered to see him, looking amazing, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and his skin practically glowed.

"Please take me back. It was dumb of me to have done what I did. Please, please, take me back." he pleaded again.

"Who says I don't have another boyfriend? You betrayed me a year ago." I replied looking at Dan in my camera.

"You do?" My ex asked me surprised.

"Yup." I said, hesitating. "He's actually here." I told him confidently. Crap what do I do now? He knows my brother and the only other person is. "DAN!" I exclaimed a little too loudly. "Come here please sweetie." I said looking at him with a look that said 'just play along'.

"Kay Jenni." he said getting up and standing behind me, bending down slightly so he could be in the frame. My ex's eyes widened. I smirked in reply.

"Yup me and Dan are dating." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek just like I used to do to him. "Just leave me alone alright? Bye Caspar Lee." I said hanging up. I looked to Dan who was wide eyed and looked bewildered.
"Dan. Thank you so much." I said giving him a hug, quickly realizing that he was still shirtless. I didn't care. He hugged me back and we stayed that way until I heard Phil say,

"Yoo hoo? You guys done yet?" Scaring us and making me let go. Darn I didn't want to let go of him. We both blushed.

"Sorry he just helped me with something cause Caspar-" I started.

"What did he want?!" He exclaimed. I know most people think Phil is really happy all the time but when someone messes with me he gets pissed.

"He wanted to get back together with me and I told him Dan was my boyfriend so he would leave me alone." I said quietly.

"Really?" He said looking at Dan, breaking him from whatever reality he was in.

"Yup." was all he said. "I'm gonna go get dressed." he said leaving as he was the only one not ready. Once he left there was a buzz sound alerting us that someone was here. Phil went down all the stairs and I was left alone for about five minutes. I was sitting cross legged on the floor when a very angry Phil came back. 

"Who was that?" I asked him tilting my head to the side.

"Guess." he said stepping aside and letting Caspar in. 

"What do you want? I told you to leave me alone!" I stood up and yelled at him.

"Why did you get together with Dan?" He asked me. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Because you broke me Caspar." I said going to Phil's room and shutting the door. Phil came in a few minutes later with a cup of hot coco with cinnamon and whipped cream. He knew I only drank that when I was upset. 

"It was supposed to get better." I said quietly, leaning into him.

"It will Jenni. It will." he said hugging me.

"Love you" I said into his shoulder.

"Love you too." he said back.

Caspar POV

"Call her and tell her you love her again." Phil said right as I answered my phone.

"I thought I had already caused her enough pain from the last time we did something." I responded.

"No, it needs to be worse. That's what he told me anyway." He said with a sigh. He had told me about Jake a while ago and even though it killed me to do this, I would rather save the lives of many.

"Alright, fine."

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