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I sat with Phil for a few more minutes when I decided I was ready and we all grabbed our things and went to the train to get to France. 

"I can't wait!" I exclaimed grabbing my violin case.

"Let's go guys!" Phil said going out the door with me following and Dan locking it behind us.

---------------------------------------------------A few hours later.---------------------------------------------------------

"Hello my little music nerds!" I yelled out to the crowd that had gathered in front of the Eiffel Tower where I said I would be playing. They replied with screams of joy. 

"You ready to hear some music?" I yelled with more screams in reply. I played a few classic Beethoven songs, met a few fans and signed some things for a few hours when I told them that I wanted to spend some time with the guys. They all left and we were free to do what we pleased.

"You guys wanna go eat?" I asked, packing up my things.

"Sure." They said in unison. 

We went to some fancy restaurant which was amazing. Phil then had to go on the early train for some random thing back home leaving me and Dan in the middle of a beautiful star lit park.

"This place. It's beautiful." I said quietly, admiring the stars.

"Yea it is, isn't it?" Dan said, looking up to the stars. I layed down in the grass and patted a spot next to me for him to join me.


Okay she wants you to lay in the grass with her Dan, just go lay there and be cute. I lay down and she sighed in content.

"Hey Jenni?" I asked, looking at her and propping myself up on my elbows.

"Yea Dan?" She said turning her head.

"I know we haven't known each other for a long time but ever since I first saw you I knew there was something about you that I loved. When you kissed my cheek today, I felt electricity run through my whole body. So I was wondering. . . Would you be my girlfriend?" I said timidly, sitting and standing up as she did. She looked me in the eyes for a moment then replied,

"I thought you would never ask." And I crashed my lips into hers, my hand entangled into her hair and hers grabbed the back of my neck. We separated and I smiled at her causing her to blush. I hugged her and we swayed back and forth for a while when we decided to go on a walk in a path nearby with willow trees on both sides making a swaying green curtain. She grabbed my hand and we ran to the biggest willow and started to climb until we got to the top so we could see the stars. 

"Dan, this is perfect." She said, looking at me with her amazing eyes. I could see the reflection of the Galaxy in them.

"You're perfect." I said kissing her again. 

We decided to leave pretty late, I have no idea what time it was but we held hands the whole way back and it felt like two pieces of a puzzle being put together. 

We finally got back to the flat at around four am and we were both exhausted. We decided to watch a movie on the couch but she fell asleep with her head on my chest and my arm around her. I didn't want to disturb her so I fell asleep with my arms around her, never wanting to let go.

Jenni POV

This is perfect

was the only thought that went through my head the entire night. I am with Dan for real now and I couldn't be happier. The night we got back I fell asleep in his arms. The next morning he was still asleep so I woke him up with a gentle kiss on the nose. He awoke, smiled at me, and pecked my lips.

"Morning." he said after we pulled away.

"Morning." I said leaning my forehead against his. He smiled at me and I kissed him quick before getting up.

"Where are you going?" He asked me, getting up and following suit.

"Just walking around." I got a call when I was about to go to the kitchen and grab some cereal.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey girl hay." said a voice I couldn't mistake.

"Ricky! Hi!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Just wanted to tell you that me and the guys are getting ready for you to come back tomorrow." My face flushed white.

"Tomorrow? Oh ya. Okay sorry but I got to go now. Bye Rickster." I said hopefully not too sadly.

"Bye Jenni!" He hung up after his goodbye.

"What's wrong?" Dan asked stepping closer to me.

"I have to leave tomorrow. I don't want to leave you and Phil." I said, hugging him tightly.

"We don't want you to leave either. Hey, how about we come with you for a while?" He asked hopefully, looking into my eyes.

"You think that would work?" I asked looking up at him.

"Of course it would." he said kissing my forehead. We had been sitting around and talking for about a half hour when Phil got up.

"Hey Phil, can you and Dan come back to Cali with me for a while?" I asked using my biggest puppy eyes.

"Jenni you know I would love to, but I have stuff I have to do here." he replied sighing.

"Well do you need Dan here?" I asked.

"No, why?" Phil responded.

"Because we're dating now." Dan said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Ah well you two have fun there alright?" He responded smiling at us. 

I went with Dan to help him pack his things as I know he probably would forget crucial things like pants or shirts or pack things that are too warm. I helped him finish and I packed up all my things.

"What do you guys want to do on my last day here?" I asked walking to where Dan and Phil were.

"How about just going around town and going into our favorite shops?" Phil suggested.

"I'm up for it." I said smiling widely.

"Why not?" Dan said flashing a happy grin.

We left and were in town in a matter of a few minutes. We got tons of cool stuff at all the shops while Dan and I were trying not to embarrass Phil with our cutesy remarks and hand holding. After a few hours of shopping Phil said he had a 'mystery destination' for us and that we had to close our eyes and follow him and such. We walked and walked and walked until Phil told us to open our eyes and I saw every single amazing British you tuber ever. Who I am friends with thanks to Phil. 

I gave everyone hugs and we talked about how I was liking my new career. Before I knew it, it was midnight and we had to get back to the flat. Dan let me ride on his back the way home and we all went to bed right away when we got home. But a few hours later, I was awakened by pebbles being thrown at the window. I walked over and opened it to see Caspar with a handful of small stones.

"What do you want Caspar?" I yelled down to him.

"You." he yelled back.

"But alas my heart belongs to another." I said in my most Shakespearean way.

"Please take me back." he pleaded.

"How about no." I said and shut the window. I then tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't so I shuffled over to Dan's room. 

"Dan?" I whispered as I entered.

"Yea Jenni?" He said groggily.

"Can I sleep in here?" I asked realizing how childish I was being.

"I thought you would never ask." he said holding his arms open and I snuggled in. 

"Hey Dan?" I asked, listening to his heart.

"Yes Jenni?" He replied.

"I think I love you." I said looking up at him. He chuckled.

"I think I love you too." and with that we both dozed off.

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