Returned Home

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"I don't wanna leave." I said crossing my arms and sticking out my lower lip, pouting at my older brother.

"I don't want you to leave either Jenni." Phil said giving me a hug.

"Flight eleven leaving in ten minutes." rang the voice over the loudspeaker.

"I guess we really got to go now don't we?" I said looking up at Dan.

"Yea we do Jenni." he said sadly. I could tell he didn't want to leave either.

"Bye Phil." me and Dan both said in unison. Dan took my hand and we turned and went to our gate.

Phil POV

I can't believe that Jenni and Dan are dating! This is only going to make things worse when she dies.

"Hey Caspar." I said into the phone when he answered.

"Hey Phil." he responded.

"Would you have a place to stay if you went to Los Angeles for a while?" I asked pacing around my room.

"Yes why?" He asked.

"Pack your bags. You're going to California to get Jenni back. Jake is getting more and more relentless every day" I said and hung up the phone. He texted me saying he was about to be on a flight in a few minutes about an hour after our conversation.

Jennifer POV

We got on our plane and Dan let me have the window seat and he sat in the middle. I dozed off quite quickly after we took off and I leaned against Dan holding his hand on the way home. I awoke in California with Dan gently shaking me awake.

"Morning." I said standing and grabbing my bags.

"Not quite." Dan said with a smile. I looked out a window to see that it was nighttime. We got a taxi home and I lead Dan to my house. I lived alone so it wouldn't matter if he came to stay for a while. We got to my house and I turned on the house to see Ricky, Connor, and Kian in my house with corny party hats on.

"WELCOME HOME!" They all screamed giving me huge hugs leaving Dan in the dust.

"I missed you all so much!" I said giving them all the biggest hugs. I turned to see Dan awkwardly standing in the corner.

"Oh guys! I forgot to tell you! Me and Dan are dating now!" I said grabbing his hand and leading him to where the guys were. 

Ricky responded with a happy "That's so cool!" 

 Connor and Kian seemed less excited, I didn't really think much of it. We ordered pizza and caught up for a few hours then the guys had to leave. We said goodbye and went back to my kitchen, where I walked in and grabbed my water sitting on the counter as Dan followed and leaned against the wall across from it.

"Did you think Connor and Kian were acting weird tonight?" I asked taking a drink of water. 

"A little." he responded sitting next to me.

"I did too. Do you think it's because we're dating?" I asked turning to him.

"Maybe." he said putting his arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder in return.

"Crap! I didn't vlog today." I said, frustrated.

"Don't worry I did." Dan said laughing a little.

"Hey Dan?" I asked snuggling into him.

"Yea Jenni?" He replied. I was about to ask him something important when there was a knock at the door.

"Be right back." I said getting up and walking to the door. I opened the door to see Caspar.

"What the- Did you follow me? How do you know where my house is? What the heck!" I screamed at him, realizing he had a large bouquet of black roses. I stared at them for a few seconds then realized he painted them black. He handed them to me and I felt the soft petals.

"I painted them black, because I know how you don't like normal things." he said timidly.

"Thanks Caspar. I uh. . . got to go now." I said, starting to shut my door.

"Bye Caspar." I said quietly.

"Bye Jennifer." he said before stepping off my front step and walking into the night. I walked back into the house where Dan was patiently waiting.

"What are those?" He asked pointing to the flowers.

"A gift.. from a friend." I said admiring the flowers and putting them in a silver vase. I set the flowers down in the middle of the counter looking out to the ocean. I sighed and turned back to Dan. He looked quite tired and he yawned as he got down from the table.

"How did I ever get so lucky." I said looking at him. He smiled and kissed my lips.

"I ask myself that every day." he responded. I had him sleep in the guest bedroom right next to mine. I missed my old bed. I was so comfortable but I couldn't sleep. So, I got up, left a note on the counter for Dan, and left. I walked a few blocks to the one person who I knew I could talk to.

"Hey Ricky." I said as I walked to our park bench where we always met if either one of us needed to talk for a while.

"Hey Jenni. What's wrong?" he asked patting the spot next to him motioning for me to sit down.

"So, you know about Dan right?" I started looking out to the sea in front of us and the coming sunrise.

"Yea. You looked so happy with him. I have never seen you light up like that with anyone. Not even Caspar." he replied, putting his elbows on his knees.

"So tonight Caspar came to my house and gave me these beautiful roses that he painted black and he said the sweetest things and Connor and Kian were acting all weird when I told them about me and Dan. I just don't know what to do." I said pulling my knees up to my chest and holding them there with both my arms.

"I would just go with the flow. You seemed really happy with Dan so I would just see how everything goes with him." He said looking to me.

"Thanks Rickster. I should probably get back now."

"No Problem Jenni." he responded and I watched his orange car drive away into the new morning light.

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